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Fluocinolone Implant for Idiopathic Retinal Vasculitis, Aneurysms, and Neuroretinitis Syndrome: A Case Report
Case Reports in Ophthalmology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-27 , DOI: 10.1159/000518011
Lucía Moreno-Castro 1 , Gerardo Pedro García-García 1 , Joseba Artaraz 2 , Alex Fonollosa 3

Idiopathic retinal vasculitis, aneurysms, and neuroretinitis (IRVAN) syndrome is a rare and progressive disorder that predominantly affects both the eyes of young female individuals and can threaten visual function. Peripheral ischemia and macular exudation are common findings in patients. The treatment options include panretinal photocoagulation (PRP), systemic immunosuppression, and intravitreal antiangiogenic and corticosteroid therapy. Fluocinolone acetonide intravitreal implant is approved for the treatment of nonanterior noninfectious uveitis and diabetic macular edema (ME), with an estimated therapeutic duration of 3 years. We describe a case of IRVAN syndrome in a child with ME who had been previously treated with PRP, antiangiogenic therapy, and several dexamethasone intravitreal implants and received a fluocinolone acetonide intravitreal implant in her right eye. The patient showed stabilization of the visual acuity and a marked reduction of the macular thickness 1 month after the treatment. At 12-month follow-up, the patient required perifoveal focal photocoagulation due to a rebound of the ME. After 2 years of follow-up, visual acuity remains stable and macular retinal thickening under control. Local long-standing steroid therapy has proved to be quite efficient in controlling the progression of the disease in our patient.
Case Rep Ophthalmol 2021;12:824–830



特发性视网膜血管炎、动脉瘤和神经视网膜炎 (IRVAN) 综合征是一种罕见且进行性的疾病,主要影响年轻女性的双眼,并可能威胁视觉功能。外周缺血和黄斑渗出是患者的常见表现。治疗选择包括全视网膜光凝术 (PRP)、全身免疫抑制以及玻璃体内抗血管生成和皮质类固醇治疗。氟轻松玻璃体内植入物被批准用于治疗非前部非感染性葡萄膜炎和糖尿病性黄斑水肿 (ME),预计治疗持续时间为 3 年。我们描述了一个之前接受过 PRP、抗血管生成治疗、和几个地塞米松玻璃体内植入物,并在她的右眼中接受了醋酸氟轻松玻璃体内植入物。患者在治疗后 1 个月表现出视力稳定和黄斑厚度显着减少。在 12 个月的随访中,由于 ME 反弹,患者需要进行小凹周围局灶性光凝术。随访2年,视力保持稳定,黄斑部视网膜增厚得到控制。局部长期类固醇治疗已证明在控制我们患者的疾病进展方面非常有效。随访2年,视力保持稳定,黄斑部视网膜增厚得到控制。局部长期类固醇治疗已证明在控制我们患者的疾病进展方面非常有效。随访2年,视力保持稳定,黄斑部视网膜增厚得到控制。局部长期类固醇治疗已证明在控制我们患者的疾病进展方面非常有效。
Case Rep Ophthalmol 2021;12:824–830