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Corrigendum: Mechanistic Investigation on Copper–Arylacetylide Polymerization and Sensing Applications
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-27 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202111449
Quanduo Liang , Xiaoyong Chang , Ya‐qiong Su , Samuel M. Mugo , Qiang Zhang

Two corresponding authors must be added to the author list of this Research Article:

Prof. Zheng Bian, Prof. Guangshan Zhu

Key Laboratory of Polyoxometalate and Reticular Material Chemistry

of the Ministry of Education, Faculty of Chemistry

Northeast Normal University (P. R. China)

E-mail: bianz070@nenu.edu.cn

E-mail: zhugs100@nenu.edu.cn

In the article main text on page 18015, right column, the word “impossibility” in the sentence “which leads to the impossibility of obtaining a high-quality …” must be revised to “difficulty”, and on page 18019, left column, the sentence “In addition, crystallization peaks near 160 °C were also observed, which corresponded to the crystallization of copper-alkyne backbones, and corresponding crystallization enthalpies for P1, P3, P4, and P5 were 260.6, 169.0, 136.3, and 208.5 J g−1, respectively.” must be revised to “In addition, the exothermic peaks near 160 °C possibly corresponded to partial destruction.”

Furthermore, in the Acknowledgements section, “the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21774120)” must be acknowledged as a funding source.

A revised Supporting Information for this Research Article containing an updated author contributions statement is made available online along with this Corrigendum.
