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Implementing a Nicotine-Free Policy in the United States Military
Chest ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chest.2021.09.020
Adam Edward Lang 1 , Aleksandra Yakhkind 2

In December 2019, the command of a US Army Advanced Individual Training battalion on Fort Eustis, Virginia, was briefed on the results of tobacco and nicotine use surveys distributed to trainee soldiers and subsequently decided to ban tobacco and nicotine products in this population. The policy implementation process was thoroughly planned in a joint effort between battalion leadership and the installation military health facility. Data were collected throughout the process that evaluated nicotine product use among trainee soldiers, instructors, and leaders. Preferences on assistance with quitting and views on policy implementation processes also were collected. Comprehensive and multimodal resources and therapy to assist with treatment of dependence of tobacco and nicotine were offered. Although more data are needed on outcomes of this type of intervention, addressing tobacco and nicotine use in the military is long overdue, and our intervention offers a reproducible model to do so. It incorporates education, behavioral resources, and medication therapy with the aim to improve long-term quit rates and to improve the health of soldiers throughout and after their careers.



2019 年 12 月,弗吉尼亚州尤斯蒂斯堡的美国陆军高级单兵训练营指挥部听取了分发给受训士兵的烟草和尼古丁使用调查结果的简报,随后决定在该人群中禁止烟草和尼古丁产品。政策实施过程是在营领导层和军事卫生设施安装单位的共同努力下精心策划的。在评估受训士兵、教官和领导者尼古丁产品使用情况的整个过程中收集了数据。还收集了对戒烟援助的偏好以及对政策实施过程的看法。提供了全面、多模式的资源和治疗,以协助治疗烟草和尼古丁依赖。尽管需要更多关于此类干预措施的结果的数据,但早就应该解决军队中烟草和尼古丁的使用问题,而我们的干预措施为此提供了一个可重复的模型。它结合了教育、行为资源和药物治疗,旨在提高长期戒烟率,并改善士兵在整个职业生涯和退役后的健康状况。
