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Stand-alone vacuum cell for compact ultracold quantum technologies
Applied Physics Letters ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-20 , DOI: 10.1063/5.0061010
Oliver S. Burrow 1 , Paul F. Osborn 2 , Edward Boughton 2 , Francesco Mirando 3 , David P. Burt 3 , Paul F. Griffin 1 , Aidan S. Arnold 1 , Erling Riis 1

Compact vacuum systems are key enabling components for cold atom technologies, facilitating extremely accurate sensing applications. There has been important progress toward a truly portable compact vacuum system; however, size, weight, and power consumption can be prohibitively large, optical access may be limited, and active pumping is often required. Here, we present a centiliter-scale ceramic vacuum chamber with He-impermeable viewports and an integrated diffractive optic, enabling robust laser cooling with light from a single polarization-maintaining fiber. A cold atom demonstrator based on the vacuum cell delivers 107 laser-cooled 87Rb atoms per second, using minimal electrical power. With continuous Rb gas emission, active pumping yields a 107 mbar equilibrium pressure, and passive pumping stabilizes to 3×106 mbar with a 17 day time constant. A vacuum cell, with no Rb dispensing and only passive pumping, has currently kept a similar pressure for more than 500 days. The passive-pumping vacuum lifetime is several years, which is estimated from short-term He throughput with many foreseeable improvements. This technology enables wide-ranging mobilization of ultracold quantum metrology.



紧凑型真空系统是冷原子技术的关键支持组件,可促进极其精确的传感应用。在真正便携的紧凑型真空系统方面取得了重要进展;然而,尺寸、重量和功耗可能大得令人望而却步,光接入可能受到限制,并且经常需要有源泵浦。在这里,我们展示了一个厘米级陶瓷真空室,具有不可渗透的视口和集成的衍射光学元件,可使用来自单个保偏光纤的光实现强大的激光冷却。基于真空室的冷原子演示器每秒可提供 10 7 个激光冷却的87 Rb 原子,并且使用最少的电力。随着连续的 Rb 气体排放,主动泵浦产生10-7 mbar 平衡压力,被动泵送稳定到 3×10-6 mbar,时间常数为 17 天。一个没有 Rb 分配和只有被动泵送的真空室目前可以保持类似的压力超过 500 天。被动抽真空的寿命为数年,这是根据短期 He 吞吐量估算的,并有许多可预见的改进。该技术使超冷量子计量学的广泛应用成为可能。