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Preventing the ‘24-hour Babel’: the need for a consensus on a consistent terminology scheme for physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104487
Ryan S Falck 1 , Jennifer C Davis 2 , Linda Li 3 , Emmanuel Stamatakis 4 , Teresa Liu-Ambrose 5

Clear, concise, and consistent. These qualities (the 3Cs) are critical for effective scientific communication. Plain language enables easy comparisons between study findings, ensures construct uniformity, and enhances communication of scientific discoveries to audiences beyond academia. Health research has a growing interest in the inter-relationships of physical activity (PA), sedentary behaviour (SB) and sleep. These behaviours occupy most of the 24-hour cycle and are associated with a plethora of health outcomes.1 Consensus statements suggest how to analyse these behaviours.2 Some PA/SB guidelines have incorporated sleep using mostly cross-sectional evidence.1 However, these consensus statements and guidelines fail to acknowledge the interactive and reciprocal relationships between PA, SB and sleep. As more scientists enter this field (figure 1), terminology is becoming inconsistent and confusing. Here, we outline the disparate vocabulary for the 24-hour cycle, and make the case for a consensus project to address how we collectively think about and refer to PA, SB and sleep using the 3Cs principle. Figure 1 PubMed search hits from 2010 to 2020 for each term for collectively defining physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep. Health research has a well-defined vocabulary for behaviours which occupy most of the 24-hour cycle. PA is any bodily movement which increases energy expenditure above 1.5 metabolic equivalents (METs).3 SB is any behaviour performed from a seated/lying position that requires ≤1.5 METs.4 …



清晰、简洁、一致。这些品质(3C)对于有效的科学传播至关重要。通俗易懂的语言可以轻松比较研究结果,确保结构一致性,并加强科学发现与学术界以外受众的交流。健康研究对体力活动 (PA)、久坐行为 (SB) 和睡眠之间的相互关系越来越感兴趣。这些行为占据了 24 小时周期的大部分时间,并且与大量的健康结果相关。1 共识声明建议如何分析这些行为。2 一些 PA/SB 指南主要使用横截面证据将睡眠纳入其中。1 然而,这些行为共识声明和指南未能承认 PA、SB 和睡眠之间的相互作用和相互关系。随着越来越多的科学家进入这一领域(图 1),术语变得不一致且令人困惑。在这里,我们概述了 24 小时周期的不同词汇,并提出了一个共识项目,以解决我们如何使用 3C 原则共同思考和参考 PA、SB 和睡眠。图 1 2010 年至 2020 年每个术语的 PubMed 搜索点击率,这些术语共同定义了体力活动、久坐行为和睡眠。健康研究对占据 24 小时周期大部分时间的行为有明确定义的词汇。 PA 是指将能量消耗增加到 1.5 代谢当量 (MET) 以上的任何身体运动。3 SB 是指在坐/躺位置进行的任何需要 ≤1.5 MET 的行为。4 …