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Early Modern Age Ships and Ship Finds in Lisbon’s Riverfront: Research Perspectives
Journal of Maritime Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s11457-021-09310-3
José Bettencourt 1 , Cristóvão Fonseca 1 , Patrícia Carvalho 1 , Tiago Silva 1 , Inês Pinto Coelho 1 , Gonçalo Lopes 1

Since the 1990s, more or less structured remains of ships have frequently been unearthed in the riverine area of Lisbon, in the scope of urban requalification works. The first remains were identified during the Metro enlargement at Corpo Santo and in the tunnel of Cais do Sodré station. The most recent cases were recorded during the construction of EDP—Electricidade de Portugal’s new corporate headquarters; these ships were named Boa Vista 1 and Boa Vista 2. Besides the vessels, a number of ships’ timbers were also found. These timbers had been recycled in the construction of nautical structures or in waterfront revetments of the Tagus River and its tributaries, as in the cases of Praça D. Luís I, Av. D. Carlos I and Boqueirão do Duro. This paper will present an overview of these discoveries, focusing on several issues that need to be investigated, including the origin of the archaeological contexts (shipwreck, abandonment and recycling), their chronology and the relationship with the construction and operation of the Port of Lisbon during the Early Modern period. Some aspects related to shipbuilding will also be addressed.



自 1990 年代以来,在城市重新鉴定工作的范围内,里斯本的沿河地区经常出土或多或少结构化的船舶残骸。第一批遗骸是在 Corpo Santo 地铁扩建期间和 Cais do Sodré 车站隧道中发现的。最近的案例是在 EDP-Electricidade de Portugal 新公司总部的建设过程中记录的;这些船只被命名为Boa Vista 1 和Boa Vista 2。除了船只外,还发现了一些船只的木材。这些木材已被回收用于建造航海结构或塔霍河及其支流的海滨护岸,例如 Praça D. Luís I, Av. D. Carlos I 和 Boqueirão do Duro。本文将概述这些发现,重点关注几个需要研究的问题,包括考古背景(沉船、废弃和回收)的起源、它们的年代顺序以及与近代早期里斯本港的建设和运营的关系。与造船相关的一些方面也将得到解决。
