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New and Emerging Insect Pest and Disease Threats to Forest Plantations in Vietnam
Forests ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-24 , DOI: 10.3390/f12101301
Pham Quang Thu , Dao Ngoc Quang , Nguyen Minh Chi , Tran Xuan Hung , Le Van Binh , Bernard Dell

The planted forest area in Vietnam increased from 3.0 to 4.4 million hectares in the period 2010–2020, but the loss of productivity from pests and diseases continues to be a problem. During this period, frequent and systematic plantation forest health surveys were conducted on 12 native and 4 exotic genera of trees as well as bamboo across eight forest geographic regions of Vietnam. Damage caused by insects and pathogens was quantified in the field and laboratory in Hanoi. The threats of greatest concern were from folivores (Antheraea frithi, Arthroschista hilaralis, Atteva fabriciella, Hieroglyphus tonkinensis, Lycaria westermanni,Krananda semihyalina, and Moduza procris), wood borers (Batocera lineolata, Euwallacea fornicatus, Tapinolachnus lacordairei, Xyleborus perforans, and Xystrocera festiva), sap-sucking insects (Aulacaspis tubercularis and Helopeltis theivora) and pathogens (Ceratocystis manginecans, Fusarium solani, and Phytophthora acaciivora). The number of new and emerging pests and pathogens increased over time from 2 in 2011 to 17 in 2020, as the damage became more widespread. To manage these pests and diseases, it is necessary to further invest in the selection and breeding of resistant genotypes, improve nursery hygiene and silvicultural operations, and adopt integrated pest management schemes. Consideration should be given to developing forest health monitoring protocols for forest reserves and other special-purpose forests.



2010-2020 年期间,越南的人工林面积从 3.0 公顷增加到 440 万公顷,但病虫害造成的生产力损失仍然是一个问题。在此期间,对越南 8 个森林地理区域的 12 种本地和 4 种外来树木和竹子进行了频繁和系统的人工林健康调查。在河内的野外和实验室中量化了昆虫和病原体造成的损害。最令人担忧的威胁来自食叶动物(Antheraea frithi , Arthroschista hilaralis , Atteva fabriciella , Hieroglyphus tonkinensis , Lycaria westermanni, Krananda semihyalinaModuza procris),木蛀虫(云斑lineolataEuwallacea fornicatusTapinolachnus lacordairei材小蠹穿通,并Xystrocera FESTIVA),刺吸式口器昆虫(Aulacaspis tubercularisHelopeltis theivora)和病原体(喙壳manginecans茄病镰刀菌,和疫霉acaciivora)。随着损害变得更加普遍,新出现的害虫和病原体的数量随着时间的推移从 2011 年的 2 种增加到 2020 年的 17 种。为了管理这些病虫害,有必要进一步投资于抗性基因型的选择和育种,改善苗圃卫生和造林操作,并采用综合病虫害管理方案。应考虑为森林保护区和其他特殊用途林制定森林健康监测协议。