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Association of Initial Clinical Characteristics with the Need for the Intensive Care Unit and Hospitalization in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department with Acute Symptomatic COVID-19
medRxiv - Emergency Medicine Pub Date : 2021-09-22 , DOI: 10.1101/2021.09.19.21263800
Benjamin Zollinger , Sophia Newton , Jincong Q. Freeman , Seamus Moran , Nataly Montano Vargas , Yan Ma , Andrew C. Meltzer

Objective To evaluate the association of initial clinical symptoms with need for hospitalization, intensive care, or death in ED patients within 30 days after presenting with acute symptomatic COVID-19.


急性症状性 COVID-19 急诊患者初始临床特征与需要重症监护室和住院治疗的关联

目的评估 ED 患者在出现急性症状性 COVID-19 后 30 天内初始临床症状与需要住院、重症监护或死亡的关联。