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Two theories of action - Edelman's Neuronal group Selection and the Poetics of Paul Valéry
Biosystems ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2021.104549
Marcella Faria 1

Motivated by two imperatives as they are framed in Code Biology – mechanism and actualization - we have turned to other attempts of modeling life at work. Here, we present two theories devoted to minds in action – one explains neuronal function, and the other dissects poetic crafting. Neuronal networks activation and poetic composition, respectively, are seen as the selection of specific connective patterns of either neurons or words, in action. Gerald Edelman, as a scientist, has generalized the Darwinian ideas of variation and selection to the cellular level in his “Sciences of Recognition”, a broader theoretical framework that includes the “Theory of Neuronal Group Selection” (TGNS) analyzed here. Paul Valéry, as a poet, has reconciled inspiration and technique in what he has called “works of the mind”, the creative processes mediated by sensing and making sense, in the “Poetic Theory” we present here he advances the mechanisms of artistic composition. We have identified the main ideas conveyed in these two theories, i.e., variation and selection, integration and differentiation, ambiguity and degeneracy, binding and blending, stasis and semiosis, by pairing and comparing textual fragments from the authors. We show that TGNS and the Theory of Poetic Action reconcile Sciences and Arts by recognizing that Natural Selection is a mechanism implied by formative acts in both scenarios and discuss to which extent Natural Convention - the main contribution of Code Biology – is integrated by the two thinkers.



受到代码生物学框架中的两个必要条件(机制和实现)的激励,我们转向了其他模拟工作生活的尝试。在这里,我们提出了两种致力于思想行动的理论——一种解释神经元功能,另一种剖析诗意的制作。神经元网络激活和诗意构成分别被视为对神经元或单词的特定连接模式的选择,在行动中。作为一名科学家,杰拉尔德·埃德尔曼 (Gerald Edelman) 在他的“识别科学”(Sciences of Recognition) 中将达尔文的变异和选择思想推广到了细胞水平,这是一个更广泛的理论框架,包括此处分析的“神经元组选择理论”(TGNS)。保罗·瓦莱里,作为一名诗人,在他所谓的“心灵作品”中调和了灵感和技巧,通过感知和理解所介导的创作过程,在我们在这里展示的“诗学理论”中,他推进了艺术创作的机制。我们通过对作者的文本片段进行配对和比较,确定了这两种理论所传达的主要思想,即变异与选择、整合与分化、歧义与退化、结合与融合、停滞与符号化。我们表明 TGNS 和诗意行动理论通过认识到自然选择是两种情况下形成行为所暗示的机制来调和科学和艺术,并讨论自然公约(代码生物学的主要贡献)在多大程度上被两位思想家整合. 我们通过对作者的文本片段进行配对和比较,确定了这两种理论所传达的主要思想,即变异与选择、整合与分化、歧义与退化、结合与融合、停滞与符号化。我们表明 TGNS 和诗意行动理论通过认识到自然选择是两种情况下形成行为所暗示的机制来调和科学和艺术,并讨论自然公约(代码生物学的主要贡献)在多大程度上被两位思想家整合. 我们通过对作者的文本片段进行配对和比较,确定了这两种理论所传达的主要思想,即变异与选择、整合与分化、歧义与退化、结合与融合、停滞与符号化。我们表明 TGNS 和诗意行动理论通过认识到自然选择是两种情况下形成行为所暗示的机制来调和科学和艺术,并讨论自然公约(代码生物学的主要贡献)在多大程度上被两位思想家整合.
