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The mechanism and neural substrate of musical emotions in the audio-visual modality
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.904 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-23 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356211042078
Xin Zhou 1 , Ying Wu 2 , Yingcan Zheng 3 , Zilun Xiao 1 , Maoping Zheng 4

Previous studies on multisensory integration (MSI) of musical emotions have yielded inconsistent results. The distinct features of the music materials and different musical expertise levels of participants may account for that. This study aims to explore the neural mechanism for the audio-visual integration of musical emotions and infer the reasons for inconsistent results in previous studies by investigating the influence of the type of musical emotions and musical training experience on the mechanism. This fMRI study used a block-design experiment. Music excerpts were selected to express fear, happiness, and sadness, presented under audio only (AO) and audio-visual (AV) modality conditions. Participants were divided into two groups: one comprising musicians who had been musically trained for many years and the other non-musicians with no musical expertise. They assessed the type and intensity of musical emotion after listening to or watching excerpts. Brain regions related to MSI of emotional information and default mode network (DMN) are sensitive to sensory modality conditions and emotion-type changes. Participants in the non-musician group had more, and bilateral distribution of brain regions showed greater activation in the AV assessment stage. By contrast, the musician group had less and lateralized right-hemispheric distribution of brain regions.



先前对音乐情感的多感官整合 (MSI) 的研究产生了不一致的结果。音乐材料的独特特征和参与者不同的音乐专业水平可能会解释这一点。本研究旨在探讨音乐情绪视听整合的神经机制,并通过调查音乐情绪类型和音乐训练经验对其机制的影响,推断以往研究结果不一致的原因。该 fMRI 研究使用了块设计实验。选择音乐片段来表达恐惧、快乐和悲伤,在纯音频 (AO) 和视听 (AV) 模式条件下呈现。参与者分为两组:一个由受过音乐训练多年的音乐家和其他没有音乐专业知识的非音乐家组成。他们在聆听或观看片段后评估音乐情感的类型和强度。与情绪信息的 MSI 和默认模式网络 (DMN) 相关的大脑区域对感觉模式条件和情绪类型变化敏感。非音乐家组的参与者有更多,大脑区域的双边分布在 AV 评估阶段显示出更大的激活。相比之下,音乐家组的大脑区域右半球分布较少且偏侧化。与情绪信息的 MSI 和默认模式网络 (DMN) 相关的大脑区域对感觉模式条件和情绪类型变化敏感。非音乐家组的参与者有更多,大脑区域的双边分布在 AV 评估阶段显示出更大的激活。相比之下,音乐家组的大脑区域右半球分布较少且偏侧化。与情绪信息的 MSI 和默认模式网络 (DMN) 相关的大脑区域对感觉模式条件和情绪类型变化敏感。非音乐家组的参与者有更多,大脑区域的双边分布在 AV 评估阶段显示出更大的激活。相比之下,音乐家组的大脑区域右半球分布较少且偏侧化。
