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Grande Hotel Beira
Current Anthropology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-22 , DOI: 10.1086/716866
Arne Gillis

Few buildings represent contemporary Mozambican politics more than the Grande Hotel in Mozambique’s second-biggest city, Beira. Conceived in a Portuguese colonial dream, the Grande Hotel once breathed luxury. But megalomania and mismanagement turned it all into a fever dream. When the colonizers left, more rowdy roads followed for the building and its new inhabitants. The once five-star hotel became headquarters for the former guerrillas during the country’s civil war, a prison for their political prisoners, and an improvised refugee camp. The scars of the past are still everywhere to be seen. The whato muno (from here), as the inhabitants are called, remain hopeful nevertheless. Even Cyclone Idai, in 2019, could not destroy their home.



很少有建筑能比莫桑比克第二大城市贝拉的格兰德酒店更能代表莫桑比克的当代政治。Grande Hotel 怀揣着葡萄牙殖民梦想,一度散发着奢华气息。但狂妄自大和管理不善把这一切变成了一个狂热的梦想。当殖民者离开时,建筑物和新居民的道路变得更加嘈杂。这家曾经的五星级酒店在该国内战期间成为前游击队的总部、政治犯监狱和临时难民营。过去的伤痕依然随处可见。该whato muno(从这里开始),随着居民是所谓的,仍然希望不过。即使是 2019 年的飓风 Idai,也无法摧毁他们的家园。