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A pilot study of dialectical behaviour therapy skills training for autistic adults
Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s1352465821000370
Lorie A Ritschel 1, 2 , Lisa Guy 1 , Brenna B Maddox 1

Background:Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a common and lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder with the hallmark features of social impairment and restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviour. Individuals with ASD often experience co-occurring mental health difficulties, some of which may obfuscate the ASD features themselves. Although there is a high need for mental health services for autistic adults, there are surprisingly few evidence-based treatments (EBTs) available; moreover, many mental health practitioners who are well-trained in EBTs shy away from treating autistic individuals due to lack of training in ASD.Aims:The aim of the current study was to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of dialectical behaviour therapy skills training (DBT-ST) in a sample of autistic adults without intellectual disability.Method:Sixteen adults with ASD were recruited from a treatment waiting list to enrol in this study, which included 24 weeks of DBT-ST delivered in a group setting. Feasibility and acceptability were assessed using retention and attendance data and a participant satisfaction questionnaire.Results:Retention (81.3%) and attendance data (mean 87.5%) provided support for the feasibility of this intervention. Overall satisfaction ratings were high (mean 4.5 out of 5), and participants reported that they felt that DBT-ST would probably be helpful for others with ASD (mean 4.5 out of 5).Conclusions:The study findings provide preliminary evidence of (1) the feasibility of providing DBT-ST for autistic adults in community-based clinics, and (2) the perceived benefit of DBT-ST for this under-served population. Recommended modifications to the standard DBT-ST materials are discussed.



背景:自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)是一种常见的终生神经发育障碍,具有社会障碍和限制性和重复性行为模式的标志性特征。患有 ASD 的人经常会遇到同时发生的心理健康问题,其中一些可能会混淆 ASD 本身的特征。尽管自闭症成年人对心理健康服务的需求很高,但令人惊讶的是,可用的循证治疗(EBT)很少;此外,由于缺乏 ASD 培训,许多在 EBT 方面受过良好培训的心理健康从业者回避治疗自闭症患者。目的:本研究的目的是评估辩证行为治疗技能培训 (DBT) 的可行性和可接受性。 -ST)在没有智力残疾的自闭症成年人样本中。方法:从治疗等待名单中招募了 16 名患有 ASD 的成年人参加这项研究,其中包括 24 周的 DBT-ST 在小组环境中交付。使用留存率和出勤率数据以及参与者满意度问卷评估可行性和可接受性。结果:留存率(81.3%)和出勤率数据(平均 87.5%)为这种干预的可行性提供了支持。总体满意度评分很高(平均 4.5/5),参与者报告说他们认为 DBT-ST 可能对其他患有 ASD 的人有帮助(平均 4.5/5)。结论:研究结果提供了初步证据(1 ) 在社区诊所为自闭症成人提供 DBT-ST 的可行性,以及 (2) DBT-ST 对这一服务不足的人群的感知益处。