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Destruction of the cosmicγ-ray emitterAl26in massive stars: Study of the keyAl26(n,α)reaction
Physical Review C ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-22 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.104.l032803
C. Lederer-Woods , P. J. Woods , T. Davinson , A. Estrade , J. Heyse , D. Kahl , S. J. Lonsdale , C. Paradela , P. Schillebeeckx , O. Aberle , S. Amaducci , J. Andrzejewski , L. Audouin , M. Bacak , J. Balibrea , M. Barbagallo , F. Bečvář , E. Berthoumieux , J. Billowes , D. Bosnar , A. Brown , M. Caamaño , F. Calviño , M. Calviani , D. Cano-Ott , R. Cardella , A. Casanovas , F. Cerutti , Y. H. Chen , E. Chiaveri , N. Colonna , G. Cortés , M. A. Cortés-Giraldo , L. Cosentino , S. Cristallo , L. A. Damone , M. Diakaki , C. Domingo-Pardo , R. Dressler , E. Dupont , I. Durán , B. Fernández-Domínguez , A. Ferrari , P. Ferreira , F. J. Ferrer , P. Finocchiaro , V. Furman , K. Göbel , A. R. García , A. Gawlik , S. Gilardoni , T. Glodariu , I. F. Gonçalves , E. González-Romero , E. Griesmayer , C. Guerrero , F. Gunsing , H. Harada , S. Heinitz , D. G. Jenkins , E. Jericha , F. Käppeler , Y. Kadi , A. Kalamara , P. Kavrigin , A. Kimura , N. Kivel , M. Kokkoris , M. Krtička , D. Kurtulgil , E. Leal-Cidoncha , H. Leeb , J. Lerendegui-Marco , S. Lo Meo , D. Macina , A. Manna , J. Marganiec , T. Martínez , A. Masi , C. Massimi , P. Mastinu , M. Mastromarco , E. A. Maugeri , A. Mazzone , E. Mendoza , A. Mengoni , P. M. Milazzo , F. Mingrone , A. Musumarra , A. Negret , R. Nolte , A. Oprea , N. Patronis , A. Pavlik , J. Perkowski , I. Porras , J. Praena , J. M. Quesada , D. Radeck , T. Rauscher , R. Reifarth , C. Rubbia , J. A. Ryan , M. Sabaté-Gilarte , A. Saxena , D. Schumann , P. Sedyshev , A. G. Smith , N. V. Sosnin , A. Stamatopoulos , G. Tagliente , J. L. Tain , A. Tarifeño-Saldivia , L. Tassan-Got , S. Valenta , G. Vannini , V. Variale , P. Vaz , A. Ventura , V. Vlachoudis , R. Vlastou , A. Wallner , S. Warren , C. Weiss , T. Wright , P. Žugec ,

Neutron destruction reactions of the cosmic γ-ray emitter Al26 are of importance to determine the amount of Al26 ejected into our galaxy by supernova explosions and for Al26 production in asymptotic giant branch stars. We performed a new measurement of the Al26(n,α) reaction up to 160-keV neutron energy at the neutron time-of-flight facilities n_TOF at CERN and GELINA at EC-JRC. We provide strengths for ten resonances, six of them for the first time. We use our data to calculate astrophysical reactivities for stellar temperatures up to 0.7 GK. Our results resolve a discrepancy between the two previous direct measurements of this reaction, and indicate higher stellar destruction rates than the most recently recommended reactivity.



宇宙的中子破坏反应 γ-射线发射器 26 对确定数量很重要 26 被超新星爆炸喷射到我们的银河系中 26在渐近巨星分支中产生。我们进行了新的测量26(n,α)在欧洲核子研究中心的中子飞行时间设施 n_TOF 和 EC-JRC 的 GELINA 反应高达 160 keV 的中子能量。我们提供十个共振的强度,其中六个是第一次。我们使用我们的数据来计算恒星温度高达 0.7 GK 的天体物理反应性。我们的结果解决了之前对该反应的两次直接测量之间的差异,并表明比最近推荐的反应性更高的恒星破坏率。