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Examining the value of using naturally occurring data to facilitate qualitative health research with ‘seldom heard’ ‘vulnerable’ groups: A research note on inpatient care
Qualitative Research ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-21 , DOI: 10.1177/14687941211039971
Alison Drewett 1 , Michelle O’Reilly 1

This research note explores two inter-connected ideas. First, that the category of ‘vulnerable’ groups has expanded and has sometimes been used to exclude seldom heard groups from research. The underpinning protectionist polemic, whilst well-intended, has arguably led to disempowerment of the very groups they intended to safeguard. Learning lessons from advances in research with children can be utilised to develop a more inclusive and empowering approach with adults while simultaneously addressing safeguarding. Second, the note values the potential of using naturally occurring data as a mechanism for including vulnerable groups in research. An example is offered attending to frequently excluded inpatient voices in healthcare studies. The practical and ethical benefits of using naturally occurring data are explored for countering arguments against the inclusion of vulnerable groups using an example of autistic inpatient research from the UNITE study. Researchers are invited to make practical adjustments to maximise involvement opportunities, and a reminder that capacity to take part in research activity may be facilitated by these modifications. Naturally occurring data offer the possibility of understanding complex hospital practices without additional burdens of researcher-generated methods.



本研究笔记探讨了两个相互关联的想法。首先,“弱势”群体的类别已经扩大,有时被用来将鲜为人知的群体排除在研究之外。支撑保护主义的论战虽然是善意的,但可以说导致他们打算保护的群体失去权力。可以利用从儿童研究进展中汲取的经验教训,在解决保护问题的同时,为成人制定更具包容性和赋权的方法。其次,该说明重视使用自然发生的数据作为将弱势群体纳入研究的机制的潜力。提供了一个例子,关注医疗保健研究中经常被排除在外的住院病人的声音。使用来自 UNITE 研究的自闭症住院研究示例,探讨了使用自然发生的数据的实际和道德益处,以反驳反对将弱势群体纳入其中的论点。邀请研究人员进行实际调整,以最大限度地提高参与机会,并提醒他们,这些修改可能会促进参与研究活动的能力。自然发生的数据提供了理解复杂医院实践的可能性,而无需研究人员生成方法的额外负担。并提醒人们,这些修改可能会促进参与研究活动的能力。自然发生的数据提供了理解复杂医院实践的可能性,而无需研究人员生成方法的额外负担。并提醒人们,这些修改可能会促进参与研究活动的能力。自然发生的数据提供了理解复杂医院实践的可能性,而无需研究人员生成方法的额外负担。
