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Case Report: Complex Congenital Brain Anomaly in a BBxHF Calf–Clinical Signs, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Pathological Findings
Frontiers in Veterinary Science ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-22 , DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.700527
Neeltje J Veenema 1 , Koen M Santifort 2 , Nienke W Kuijpers 3 , Anne Seijger 1 , Peter R Hut 1

This case report describes the clinical signs, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and associated (histo)pathological findings in a crossbred Belgian Blue calf with congenital complex brain anomaly. The calf was presented with non-progressive signs (including cerebellar ataxia) since it was born, suggestive of a multifocal intracranial lesion. A congenital anomaly was suspected and after hematology, biochemistry, serology, and cerebrospinal fluid analysis, a magnetic resonance imaging study was performed. The following suspected abnormalities were the principal changes identified: severe hydrocephalus, porencephaly, suspected partial corpus callosum agenesis (CCA), and increased fluid signal between the folia of the cerebellum. Post-mortem examination predominately reflected the MRI findings. The origin for these malformations could not be identified and there was no evidence of a causative infectious agent. Corpus callosum abnormalities have been reported in bovids before and have been linked to bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infections, as have several other central nervous system anomalies in this species. In this case, BVDV was deemed an unlikely causative agent based on serology test results and lack of typical histopathological signs. The etiology of the congenital anomaly present in this bovine calf remains unknown.


病例报告:BBxHF 小腿的复杂先天性脑异常——临床体征、磁共振成像和病理结果

本病例报告描述了具有先天性复杂脑异常的杂交比利时蓝小牛的临床体征、磁共振成像 (MRI) 发现和相关(组织)病理学发现。小腿自出生以来就出现非进行性体征(包括小脑性共济失调),提示多灶性颅内病变。怀疑有先天性异常,在血液学、生化、血清学和脑脊液分析后,进行了磁共振成像研究。以下疑似异常是确定的主要变化:严重脑积水、脑穿孔、疑似胼胝体部分发育不全 (CCA) 和小脑叶之间的液体信号增加。尸检主要反映了 MRI 结果。无法确定这些畸形的起源,也没有证据表明是致病病原体。之前曾在牛科动物中报道过胼胝体异常,并与牛病毒性腹泻病毒 (BVDV) 感染有关,该物种的其他几种中枢神经系统异常也如此。在这种情况下,根据血清学检测结果和缺乏典型的组织病理学迹象,BVDV 被认为是不太可能的病原体。这只小牛存在的先天性异常的病因仍然未知。根据血清学检测结果和缺乏典型的组织病理学迹象,BVDV 被认为是不太可能的病原体。这只小牛身上存在的先天性异常的病因仍然未知。根据血清学检测结果和缺乏典型的组织病理学迹象,BVDV 被认为是不太可能的病原体。这只小牛身上存在的先天性异常的病因仍然未知。
