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Analysis of social interactions and risk factors relevant to the spread of infectious diseases at hospitals and nursing homes.
PLOS ONE ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-20 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257684
Frederik Boe Hüttel 1 , Anne-Mette Iversen 2 , Marco Bo Hansen 3 , Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll 1 , Svend Ellermann-Eriksen 4 , Niels Lundtorp Olsen 1

Ensuring the safety of healthcare workers is vital to overcome the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We here present an analysis of the social interactions between the healthcare workers at hospitals and nursing homes. Using data from an automated hand hygiene system, we inferred social interactions between healthcare workers to identify transmission paths of infection in hospitals and nursing homes. A majority of social interactions occurred in medication rooms and kitchens emphasising that health-care workers should be especially aware of following the infection prevention guidelines in these places. Using epidemiology simulations of disease at the locations, we found no need to quarantine all healthcare workers at work with a contagious colleague. Only 14.1% and 24.2% of the health-care workers in the hospitals and nursing homes are potentially infected when we disregard hand sanitization and assume the disease is very infectious. Based on our simulations, we observe a 41% and 26% reduction in the number of infected healthcare workers at the hospital and nursing home, when we assume that hand sanitization reduces the spread by 20% from people to people and 99% from people to objects. The analysis and results presented here forms a basis for future research to explore the potential of a fully automated contact tracing systems.



确保医护人员的安全对于克服当前的 COVID-19 大流行至关重要。我们在这里对医院和疗养院的医护人员之间的社交互动进行分析。利用自动化手部卫生系统的数据,我们推断了医护人员之间的社交互动,以确定医院和疗养院的感染传播路径。大多数社交互动发生在药房和厨房,强调医护人员应特别注意遵守这些地方的感染预防指南。通过对这些地点的疾病流行病学模拟,我们发现没有必要隔离所有与具有传染性的同事一起工作的医护人员。当我们忽视手部消毒并假设该疾病传染性很强时,只有 14.1% 和 24.2% 的医院和疗养院的医护人员有可能被感染。根据我们的模拟,当我们假设手部消毒可将人与人之间的传播减少 20%,人与人之间的传播减少 99% 时,我们观察到医院和疗养院受感染的医护人员人数分别减少了 41% 和 26%。对象。这里提出的分析和结果为未来研究探索全自动接触者追踪系统的潜力奠定了基础。