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Prototype production and comparative analysis of high-speed flywheel energy storage systems during regenerative braking in hybrid and electric vehicles
Journal of Energy Storage ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2021.103237
Koray Erhan 1 , Engin Özdemir 2

In conventional EVs and HEVs, only a small part of the vehicle's kinetic energy can be usefully stored during deceleration. Generally, this storage process can be done by providing energy flow to the main battery of the vehicle. Since batteries work with a chemical reaction, they are not suitable for fast charging and discharging required for regenerative braking. In this case, a fast storage system is needed to store the regenerative braking energy in a short time. As a solution, the flywheel energy storage system (FESS) can be offered.

In the literature, power transmission of vehicles with integrated FESS is provided by mechanical systems (CVT FESS). These systems are heavy, high cost, large volume, and occupy the rear axle of the vehicle.

In the proposed system, a purely electrical power transmission is proposed to store the kinetic energy of the vehicle in FESS. In developed topology, the traction machine of the vehicle is also used as a generator, and the recuperation energy is stored in the electrically driven (M/G) FESS.

As a result of the experimental studies, a minimum of 56% energy recovery efficiency was obtained. In addition, it has been shown that the developed system is 30% lighter, occupies 60% less space in volume, is at least 50% more cost-effective, maintenance-free, and has fewer moving parts compared to the CVT FESS.

As a result, the addition of a fast-response secondary energy storage system to the electric vehicle battery contributes to the increase in efficiency.



在传统的 EV 和 HEV 中,只有一小部分车辆的动能可以在减速期间有用地存储。通常,可以通过向车辆的主电池提供能量流来完成此存储过程。由于电池是通过化学反应工作的,因此它们不适合再生制动所需的快速充电和放电。在这种情况下,需要一个快速存储系统来在短时间内存储再生制动能量。作为解决方案,可以提供飞轮储能系统 (FESS)。

在文献中,带有集成 FESS 的车辆的动力传输由机械系统 (CVT FESS) 提供。这些系统笨重、成本高、体积大、占用车辆后轴。

在所提议的系统中,提议采用纯电力传输来将车辆的动能存储在 FESS 中。在发达的拓扑结构中,车辆的牵引机也用作发电机,回收能量存储在电驱动(M/G)FESS中。

作为实验研究的结果,获得了至少 56% 的能量回收效率。此外,与 CVT FESS 相比,开发的系统重量减轻了 30%,体积减少了 60%,成本效益至少提高了 50%,免维护,并且运动部件更少。

