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Summertime Clean-Background Ozone Concentrations Derived from Ozone Precursor Relationships are Lower than Previous Estimates in the Southeast United States
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-21 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c03035
Qiyang Yan 1 , Yuhang Wang 1 , Ye Cheng 1 , Jianfeng Li 1

Background ozone in this study is defined as the amount of ozone that is not affected by the emissions of ozone precursors in the region of study and is transported from the distant troposphere or the stratosphere. It is one of the factors that must be considered in regional ozone control strategies. Different methods have been applied to define the background ozone level. We develop a new method based on the O3–CO–HCHO relationships, which can be applied to both observation and modeling data for regions with high isoprene emission ozone, such as the Southeast United States. We make use of the extensive aircraft and surface observations in the Southeast in the summer of 2013. Compared to the diagnostic results using the relationship of O3–NOz (total reactive nitrogen excluding nitrogen oxides), zero-emission (model-only), and 5th percentile methods, the new method is most consistent using observation or model data and the resulting background ozone concentrations are 4–50% lower than the other methods for field campaigns. Using this method, we find that the summertime background ozone at the surface is in the range of 10–15 ppbv in the inland areas of the Southeast, which is lower than that reported in previous studies. This background ozone tends to increase from urban centers to rural regions and from the surface to higher altitude due to changing ozone lifetime driven by anthropogenic emissions and dry deposition to the surface. The better quantification of background ozone using the new method highlights the importance of the contributions by natural emissions to ozone and the necessity to control anthropogenic emissions in ozone nonattainment areas of the Southeast.



本研究中的背景臭氧定义为不受研究区域臭氧前体排放影响并从遥远的对流层或平流层传输的臭氧量。它是区域臭氧控制战略中必须考虑的因素之一。已应用不同的方法来定义背景臭氧水平。我们开发了一种基于 O 3 -CO-HCHO 关系的新方法,该方法可应用于具有高异戊二烯排放臭氧的地区(例如美国东南部)的观测和建模数据。我们利用 2013 年夏季东南部广泛的飞机和地面观测。与使用 O 3 -NO z关系的诊断结果进行比较(不含氮氧化物的总活性氮)、零排放(仅限模型)和5百分位数方法,新方法使用观测或模型数据最一致,由此产生的背景臭氧浓度比其他野外活动方法低 4-50%。使用这种方法,我们发现东南部内陆地区夏季地表背景臭氧在 10-15 ppbv 范围内,低于以往研究报告的水平。由于人为排放和地表干沉降导致臭氧寿命发生变化,这种背景臭氧趋于从城市中心到农村地区以及从地表到更高海拔地区增加。使用新方法更好地量化背景臭氧突出了自然排放对臭氧的贡献的重要性以及控制东南部臭氧未达标地区人为排放的必要性。