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Optimizing Spray-Dried Porous Particles for High Dose Delivery with a Portable Dry Powder Inhaler
Pharmaceutics ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-21 , DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics13091528
Yoen-Ju Son 1 , Danforth P Miller 2 , Jeffry G Weers 2

This manuscript critically reviews the design and delivery of spray-dried particles for the achievement of high total lung doses () with a portable dry powder inhaler. We introduce a new metric termed the product density, which is simply the of a drug divided by the volume of the receptacle it is contained within. The product density is given by the product of three terms: the packing density (the mass of powder divided by the volume of the receptacle), the drug loading (the mass of drug divided by the mass of powder), and the aerosol performance (the divided by the mass of drug). This manuscript discusses strategies for maximizing each of these terms. Spray drying at low drying rates with small amounts of a shell-forming excipient (low Peclet number) leads to the formation of higher density particles with high packing densities. This enables ultrahigh (>100 mg of drug) to be achieved from a single receptacle. The emptying of powder from capsules is directly proportional to the mass of powder in the receptacle, requiring an inhaled volume of about 1 L for fill masses between 40 and 50 mg and up to 3.2 L for a fill mass of 150 mg.



这份手稿批判性地审查了喷雾干燥颗粒的设计和输送,以使用便携式干粉吸入器实现高总肺剂量 ()。我们引入了一个称为产品密度的新指标,它只是药物的密度除以它所包含的容器的体积。产品密度由三项的乘积给出:包装密度(粉末质量除以容器体积)、载药量(药物质量除以粉末质量)和气溶胶性能(除以药物质量)。这份手稿讨论了最大化这些术语的策略。使用少量成壳赋形剂(低佩克莱数)以低干燥速率喷雾干燥导致形成具有高堆积密度的更高密度颗粒。这使得从单个容器中获得超高(> 100 毫克药物)成为可能。从胶囊中排空粉末与容器中粉末的质量成正比,对于 40 至 50 毫克的填充质量需要大约 1 升的吸入体积,对于 150 毫克的填充质量需要高达 3.2 升的吸入体积。