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The Constitutional Right to Asylum and Humanitarianism in Indonesian Law: “Foreign Refugees” and PR 125/2016
Asian Journal of Law and Society ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-21 , DOI: 10.1017/als.2021.8
Bilal Dewansyah 1 , Ratu Durotun Nafisah 2

Article 28G(2) in Indonesia’s 1945 Constitution reflects a human rights approach to asylum; it guarantees “the right to obtain political asylum from another country,” together with freedom from torture. It imposes an obligation upon the state to give access to basic rights to those to whom it offers asylum, following an appropriate determination procedure. By contrast, in Presidential Regulation No. 125 of 2016 concerning the Treatment of Refugees, the Indonesian government’s response to asylum seekers and refugees is conceptualized as “humanitarian assistance,” and through a politicized and securitized immigration-control approach. We argue that the competition between these three approaches—the human right to asylum, humanitarianism, and immigration control—constitutes a “triangulation” of asylum and refugee protection in Indonesia, in which the latter two prevail. In light of this framework, this article provides a socio-political and legal analysis of why Article 28G(2) has not been widely accepted as the basis of asylum and refugee protection in Indonesia.


印度尼西亚法律中的宪法庇护权和人道主义:“外国难民”和 PR 125/2016

印度尼西亚 1945 年宪法第 28G(2) 条反映了对庇护的人权态度;它保证“从另一个国家获得政治庇护的权利”以及免于酷刑的自由。它规定国家有义务按照适当的确定程序向其提供庇护的人提供基本权利。相比之下,在 2016 年关于难民待遇的第 125 号总统条例中,印度尼西亚政府对寻求庇护者和难民的回应被概念化为“人道主义援助”,并通过政治化和安全化的移民控制方法。我们认为,这三种方法之间的竞争——庇护人权、人道主义和移民控制——构成了印度尼西亚庇护和难民保护的“三角测量”,其中后两者占上风。根据这一框架,本文对为什么第 28G(2) 条没有被广泛接受为印度尼西亚庇护和难民保护的基础进行社会政治和法律分析。