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A New Application for the Motor Rehabilitation at Home: Structure and Usability of Bal-App
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-16 , DOI: 10.1109/tetc.2020.3037962
Elisa Pedroli , Pietro Cipresso , Luca Greci , Sara Arlati , Atieh Mahroo , Valentina Mancuso , Lorenzo Boilini , Monica Rossi , Laura Stefanelli , Karine Goulene , Marco Sacco , Marco Stramba-Badiale , Giuseppe Riva , Andrea Gaggioli

The aim of this paper is to present an innovative tablet-based application with 360° videos for the motor rehabilitation of frail elderly, Bal-App. This app was developed for iPad and exploits the potentiality of 360° videos to improve balance in frail patients through several exercises with an increasing level of difficulty. The app includes 10 sessions to be played 3 times a week for 3 weeks. The results of the usability study are very encouraging, and patients are very interested in trying this app at home like a guide for the motor rehabilitation. Only few non-substantial adjustments before the clinical trial are planned.


家庭运动康复的新应用:Bal-App 的结构和可用性

本文的目的是展示一种基于平板电脑的创新应用程序,带有 360° 视频,用于体弱老人的运动康复,Bal-App。这个应用程序是为 iPad 开发的,利用 360° 视频的潜力,通过一些难度不断增加的练习来改善虚弱患者的平衡。该应用程序包括 10 个会话,每周播放 3 次,持续 3 周。可用性研究的结果非常令人鼓舞,患者非常有兴趣在家里尝试这个应用程序,就像运动康复指南一样。仅计划在临床试验前进行很少的非实质性调整。