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Geology and conceptual model of the Domuyo geothermal area, northern Patagonia, Argentina
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107396
Argelia Silva-Fragoso 1 , Luca Ferrari 2 , Gianluca Norini 3 , Teresa Orozco-Esquivel 2 , Fernando Corbo-Camargo 2 , Juan Pablo Bernal 2 , Cesar Castro 4 , Manuel Arrubarrena-Moreno 5

The western slope of Cerro Domuyo in northern Patagonia is characterized by thermal springs with boiling waters, Quaternary silicic domes, and pyroclastic deposits that suggest the existence of a geothermal reservoir. According to geochemical studies, the reservoir may have a temperature of 220 °C and one of the largest advective heat fluxes reported for a continental volcanic center. In this paper, we propose a more refined conceptual model for the Domuyo geothermal area, based on a geological survey supported by Usingle bondPb, Usingle bondTh, and Arsingle bondAr geochronology and by magnetotelluric and gravity surveys. Our study indicates that the Domuyo Volcanic Complex (DVC) is a Middle Pleistocene dome complex overlying middle Miocene to Pliocene volcanic sequences, which in turn cover: 1) the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Neuquén marine sedimentary succession, 2) silicic ignimbrites dated at ~186.7 Ma, and 3) the Paleozoic metamorphic basement intruded by ~288 Ma granite bodies. The volcanic cycle in the DVC is distinctly bimodal, characterized by the emplacement of massive silicic domes and less voluminous olivine basalts on its southern slope. A major collapse of the central dome at ~600 ka produced a voluminous (19.4 km3 and 133 km2) block-and-ash flow, and associated pyroclastic flows, that filled a valley to the southwest at distances up to ~30 km from Cerro Domuyo summit. This was followed by a period of intense effusive activity that formed the Cerro Guitarra, Cerro Las Pampas, Cerro Domo, and Cerro Covunco silicic domes. The last two domes are the youngest and largest edifices, dated at 0.50 Ma (Arsingle bondAr age) and 0.25 Ma (Usingle bondTh age). Pre-Cenozoic successions were affected by N-S reverse and thrust faults that were later displaced by an ENE-WSW-trending transtensional belt. The basement rocks at the northern termination of the Cordillera del Viento anticlinorium were also displaced towards the east-northeast by this belt, which is observed NNW of Cerro Domuyo. The DVC was emplaced within this zone of crustal weakness. The integration of geologic observations with magnetotelluric and gravity data, allowed us to develop an updated conceptual model of the geothermal system. The geothermal reservoir is inferred at a depth of less than 2 km within pre-Pliocene fractured rocks, bounded by ~WSW-ENE trending faults and sealed by the pyroclastic deposits and rhyolitic lavas of the DVC. The location of most thermal springs is not directly controlled by faults. Instead, flows emerge at the contact between the fractured and faulted basement and the caprock.


阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚北部 Domuyo 地热区的地质和概念模型

巴塔哥尼亚北部的 Cerro Domuyo 西坡以沸水温泉、第四纪硅质圆顶和火山碎屑沉积物为特征,表明存在地热储层。根据地球化学研究,该储层的温度可能为 220  °C,是大陆火山中心报告的最大平流热通量之一。在本文中,基于 U 单键Pb、U 单键Th 和 Ar支持的地质调查,我们为 Domuyo 地热区提出了一个更精细的概念模型。单键Ar 地质年代学和大地电磁和重力调查。我们的研究表明 Domuyo 火山复合体 (DVC) 是一个中更新世圆顶复合体,覆盖在中新世至上新世火山序列上,依次覆盖:1) 侏罗纪-早白垩世内乌肯海相沉积序列,2) 硅质火山灰岩的年代约为 186.7  Ma,和 3) 被~288  Ma 花岗岩体侵入的古生代变质基底。DVC 中的火山旋回明显是双峰的,其特征是在其南坡上安置了大量硅质圆顶和体积较小的橄榄石玄武岩。中央穹顶在 ~600  ka处发生重大坍塌,产生了大量(19.4  km 3和 133  km 2) 块状和灰烬流以及相关的火山碎屑流,填充了西南方向距离 Cerro Domuyo 峰顶约 30公里的山谷。随后是一段激烈的活动,形成了 Cerro Guitarra、Cerro Las Pampas、Cerro Domo 和 Cerro Covunco 硅质圆顶。最后两个圆顶是最年轻和最大的建筑物,年代分别为 0.50  Ma(Ar 单键Ar 年龄)和 0.25  Ma(U单键岁)。新生代前的序列受到 NS 反向和逆冲断层的影响,这些断层后来被一条 ENE-WSW 走向的横张带取代。Cordillera del Viento 背斜北端的基底岩石也被这条带向东北偏东移动,在 Cerro Domuyo 的 NNW 观察到。DVC 位于这个地壳薄弱地带。地质观测与大地电磁和重力数据的整合,使我们能够开发一个更新的地热系统概念模型。推断地热储层深度小于 2 在上新世之前的裂隙岩中,km 以~WSW-ENE 趋势断层为界,并被 DVC 的火山碎屑沉积物和流纹质熔岩封闭。大多数温泉的位置不受断层的直接控制。相反,流动出现在破裂和断层基底与盖层之间的接触处。
