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Embedding Divisor and Semi-Prime Testability in f-vectors of polytopes
arXiv - CS - Computational Complexity Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: arxiv-2109.08220
Eran Nevo

We obtain computational hardness results for f-vectors of polytopes by exhibiting reductions of the problems DIVISOR and SEMI-PRIME TESTABILITY to problems on f-vectors of polytopes. Further, we show that the corresponding problems for f-vectors of simplicial polytopes are polytime solvable. The regime where we prove this computational difference (conditioned on standard conjectures on the density of primes and on $P\neq NP$) is when the dimension $d$ tends to infinity and the number of facets is linear in $d$.


在多胞体的 f 向量中嵌入除数和半质数可测性

我们通过展示问题 DIVISOR 和 SEMI-PRIME TESTABILITY 对多面体 f 向量问题的简化,获得了多面体 f 向量的计算硬度结果。此外,我们表明单纯多胞体的 f 向量的相应问题是可多次求解的。我们证明这种计算差异的机制(以素数密度和 $P\neq NP$ 的标准猜想为条件)是当维度 $d$ 趋于无穷大并且面数在 $d$ 中是线性的。