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Periodic activity from fast radio burst FRB180916 explained in the frame of the orbiting asteroid model
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-13 , DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab2622
Guillaume Voisin 1, 2 , Fabrice Mottez 1 , Philippe Zarka 3

Observation of fast radio bursts (FRBs) are rising very quickly with the advent of specialized instruments and surveys, and it has recently been shown that some of them repeat quasi-periodically. In particular, evidence of a P = 16.35 d period has been reported for FRB 180916.J0158+65. We seek an explanation within the frame of our orbiting asteroid model, whereby FRBs are produced in the plasma wake of asteroids immersed in the wind of a pulsar or a magnetar. We used the data reported by the CHIME/FRB collaboration in order to infer the orbital characteristics of asteroid swarms, and performed parametric studies to explore the possible characteristics of the pulsar, its wind, and of the asteroids, under the constraint that the latter remain dynamically and thermally stable. We found a plausible configuration in which a young pulsar is orbited by a main ∼10−3 M⊙ companion with a period 3P = 49 d, three times longer than the apparent periodicity P. Asteroids responsible for FRBs are located in three dynamical swarms near the L3, L4, and L5 Lagrange points, in a 2:3 orbital resonance akin to the Hildas class of asteroids in the Solar system. In addition, asteroids could be present in the Trojan swarms at the L4 and L5 Lagrange points. Together, these swarms form a carousel that explains the apparent P periodicity and dispersion. We estimated that the presence of at least a few thousand asteroids, of size ∼20 km, is necessary to produce the observed burst rate. We show how radius-to-frequency mapping in the wind and small perturbations by turbulence can suffice to explain downward-drifting sub-pulses, micro-structures, and narrow spectral occupancy.


在轨道小行星模型的框架中解释了来自快速射电暴 FRB180916 的周期性活动

随着专业仪器和调查的出现,对快速射电暴 (FRB) 的观测正在迅速增加,最近表明其中一些是准周期性重复的。特别是,已经报道了 FRB 180916.J0158+65 的 P = 16.35 天的证据。我们在我们的轨道小行星模型的框架内寻求解释,即快速射电暴是在浸入脉冲星或磁星风的小行星的等离子体尾流中产生的。我们使用 CHIME/FRB 合作报告的数据来推断小行星群的轨道特征,并进行参数研究以探索脉冲星、其风和小行星的可能特征,前提是后者保持不变。动态和热稳定。我们发现了一个合理的配置,其中一颗年轻的脉冲星被一个周期为 3P = 49 d 的主 ∼10-3 M⊙ 伴星环绕,是表观周期 P 的三倍。造成快速射电暴的小行星位于附近的三个动力群中L3、L4 和 L5 拉格朗日点,在类似于太阳系中希尔达斯类小行星的 2:3 轨道共振中。此外,小行星可能存在于 L4 和 L5 拉格朗日点的木马群中。这些群一起形成了一个旋转木马,解释了明显的 P 周期性和分散。我们估计至少有几千颗大小约为 20 公里的小行星是产生观测到的爆发率所必需的。我们展示了风中的半径到频率映射和湍流的小扰动如何足以解释向下漂移的子脉冲、微观结构、