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The Cyanobacteria of the Intertidal Zone of the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea: Species Composition and Ecology
Russian Journal of Marine Biology ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-17 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063074021040118
E. S. Miroshnichenko 1


This article presents the results of studies of the cyanobacteria from foulings of natural and anthropogenic substrates of the intertidal zone of the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea for the period from 2010 to 2019. Ninety-five cyanobacterial species from 46 genera, 20 families, and 6 orders were found; 22 species are given for the first time for the Barents Sea. A majority of cyanobacterial taxa belong to benthic species (70%), which live mainly on natural substrates. The species abundance decreases from the lower intertidal zone to the supralittoral. The proportion of planktonic and bento-planktonic species was 12% and 18%, respectively. Freshwater (44%), marine (37%), brackish-water (3%), and euryhaline (16%) species have been found in the intertidal zone of the bay. The study has revealed 27 indicator species; most of them were oligo- and oligo-betamezosaprobionts. The cyanobacteria of the Kola Bay were predominantly boreal-tropical-notal (26%), cosmopolitan (23%), and boreal (18%) species. Peaks of the number of species were recorded in the early spring (March) and autumn (October). Areas with increased anthropogenic pressure from seaport cities showed the lowest index of species similarity.




本文介绍了 2010 年至 2019 年巴伦支海科拉湾潮间带自然和人为底物污染蓝藻的研究结果。 20 科 46 属 95 种蓝藻找到6个订单;首次为巴伦支海提供了 22 个物种。大多数蓝藻类群属于底栖物种 (70%),主要生活在天然基质上。物种丰度从低潮间带向沿海地区递减。浮游和底栖浮游物种的比例分别为 12% 和 18%。在海湾的潮间带发现了淡水 (44%)、海洋 (37%)、咸水 (3%) 和广盐 (16%) 物种。该研究揭示了 27 个指示物种;它们中的大多数是寡聚和寡聚betamezosaprobionts。科拉湾的蓝藻主要是北方-热带-notal (26%)、世界性 (23%) 和北方 (18%) 物种。物种数量的峰值记录在早春(3 月)和秋季(10 月)。来自海港城市的人为压力增加的地区的物种相似性指数最低。
