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Determination of Fipronil and Fipronil-Sulfone in Surface Waters of the Guandu River Basin by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s00128-021-03369-3
Thais P Ferreira 1 , Glauco F Bauerfeldt 2 , Rosane N Castro 3 , Viviane S Magalhães 4 , Melina C C Alves 5 , Fábio B Scott 4 , Yara P Cid 6

Fipronil (FIP) is a broad-spectrum insecticide used in the industrial, residential and agricultural sectors, which presents environmental and human health risks. Studies report its presence in aquatic environments in several countries, but in Brazil reports are scarce. The aim of this work was to evaluate the presence of fipronil and fipronil sulfone in surface waters through a validated analytical method by LC–MS according to INMETRO and USEPA in eight sampling sites in two seasons (summer and autumn, 2020) in Guandu River basin, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. FIP was quantified in the concentration range of 0.132–2.44 μg/L, while FIP-S was detected in most samples. This is the first study on the occurrence of FIP and FIP-S in the Guandu River basin, presenting values high enough to justify the need for monitoring studies in a region of great importance for the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Graphic Abstract



氟虫腈 (FIP) 是一种广谱杀虫剂,用于工业、住宅和农业部门,对环境和人类健康构成威胁。研究报告了它在几个国家的水生环境中的存在,但在巴西的报告很少。这项工作的目的是根据 INMETRO 和 USEPA 在官渡河流域两个季节(夏季和秋季,2020 年)的八个采样点,通过一种经过验证的 LC-MS 分析方法,评估地表水中存在氟虫腈和氟虫腈砜。 ,在里约热内卢州。FIP 在 0.132–2.44 μg/L 的浓度范围内定量,而在大多数样品中检测到 FIP-S。这是对官渡河流域FIP和FIP-S发生的首次研究,

