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What amounts to a paracrisis? Interactivity as a lens for evaluating social media-propagated crises
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-5973.12374
Staci B. Smith 1 , Brian G. Smith 1

The tendency for crises to erupt on social media raises the question: How can strategic communication professionals determine the likelihood that these social media-borne warning signs of an impending crisis (often referred to as a paracrisis) will impact the organization? This study evaluated paracrisis through a semantic network analysis of two cases of claims of racism against two brands, Prada and Gucci. Using interactivity as the lens for evaluating social media claims against an organization revealed paracrisis characteristics, including referencing activities, social tagging and calls for action against corporate misconduct.



危机在社交媒体上爆发的趋势提出了一个问题:战略传播专业人员如何确定这些社交媒体带来的即将发生危机的警告信号(通常称为副危机)对组织产生影响的可能性?这项研究通过语义网络分析对两个品牌 Prada 和 Gucci 的种族主义主张进行了评估,从而评估了 paracrisis。使用交互性作为评估针对组织的社交媒体声明的镜头揭示了paracrisis 特征,包括引用活动、社会标签和呼吁对企业不当行为采取行动。