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A glimpse into prosociality at work
Current Opinion in Psychology ( IF 6.813 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2021.09.009
Ingo Zettler 1

Prosociality is an important part of the work context. Employees, leaders, and organizations show various forms of prosocial behavior such as supporting colleagues suffering from heavy workload, voluntarily organizing social events fostering a good organizational climate, or providing goods and services that benefit society at large. From the plethora of constructs related to prosociality at work, I herein provide a brief introduction to the currently most prominent ones with regard to organizational members in general (organizational citizenship behavior) and leaders (servant leadership), respectively. Moreover, I briefly sketch how research on prosociality at work would likely profit from a stronger integration of research from related fields, within and beyond the organizational literature.



