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International Responsibility of State for the Acts of an Unsuccessful Insurrectional Movement: Case of ISIS in Iraq
Arab Law Quarterly ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1163/15730255-bja10094
Hojjat Salimi Turkamani 1

ISIS, as an insurgent movement, announced its presence in Iraq in 2013, and, after extensive military and non-military activities in the country, its suppression was officially declared by the Prime Minister in 2017. The main question is whether the actions of this failed insurgent movement can be attributed to Iraq under international law of responsibility? This study shows that, since the Iraqi Government has taken due diligence to suppress the movement and prosecute its members, and has not granted amnesty, acts of ISIS are not attributed to it. But governmental acts of ISIS including legislative, executive and judicial ones can be attributed to state if they has taken in absence or default of government officials and in response to a request for such acts. Some of ISIS’s acts in Iraq especially in Mosul have these characteristics and are accordingly attributed to Iraq.



伊斯兰国作为一个叛乱运动,于 2013 年宣布其在伊拉克的存在,并在该国进行广泛的军事和非军事活动后,于 2017 年由总理正式宣布对其进行镇压。叛乱运动的失败能否归咎于国际法规定的伊拉克责任?这项研究表明,由于伊拉克政府采取了应有的努力来镇压该运动并起诉其成员,并且没有给予大赦,因此不能将ISIS 的行为归咎于它。但ISIS 的政府行为,包括立法、行政和司法行为,如果他们在政府官员缺席或缺席的情况下采取行动,并响应此类行为的要求,则可以归咎于国家。一些伊斯兰国在伊拉克,特别是在摩苏尔的行动具有这些特点,因此归咎于伊拉克。
