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Application of the Adaptive Cycle and Panarchy in La Marjaleria Social-Ecological System: Reflections for Operability
Land ( IF 3.905 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-17 , DOI: 10.3390/land10090980
Marc Escamilla Nacher , Carla Sofia Santos Ferreira , Michael Jones , Zahra Kalantari

The adaptive cycle and panarchy are recognised tools for resilience assessment prior to establishing new management approaches aligned with Anthropocene needs. This study used the adaptive cycle and panarchy to assess the dynamics of the social-ecological system (SES) of La Marjaleria, Spain, which experienced increasing human pressure and environmental degradation in recent decades, and developed the ‘adaptive curve’ as a novel graphical representation of system change in the presentation of the results. Based on a literature review of historical changes in La Marjaleria, a SES analysis was performed using the adaptive cycle and panarchy, following the Resilience Alliance’s Practitioners Guide. The assessment offered new insights into the social and ecological dynamics of La Marjaleria through identification of causes and consequences from a complex systems perspective. Previous land-use management in the area has generated tensions between different stakeholders and reduced environmental resilience. The systems thinking approach highlighted the complexity of change processes, offering the possibility of new routes for dialogue and understanding. The ‘adaptive curve’ developed as a method of illustrating interactions across scales in this study could be useful for synthesising the results of a panarchy analysis and supporting their interpretation, offering relevant departure points for future planning and decision-making.


La Marjaleria 社会生态系统中适应性循环和泛政府的应用:对可操作性的思考

在建立符合人类世需求的新管理方法之前,适应性循环和泛政府是公认的复原力评估工具。本研究使用适应性循环和泛政府来评估西班牙拉马哈莱里亚的社会生态系统 (SES) 的动态,该系统在近几十年来经历了不断增加的人类压力和环境退化,并开发了“适应性曲线”作为一种新颖的图形在结果的呈现中表示系统变化。根据对 La Marjaleria 历史变化的文献回顾,按照 Resilience Alliance 的从业者指南,使用适应性循环和全权制进行了 SES 分析。该评估通过从复杂系统的角度确定原因和后果,为 La Marjaleria 的社会和生态动态提供了新的见解。该地区以前的土地使用管理造成了不同利益相关者之间的紧张关系,并降低了环境恢复能力。系统思维方法强调了变革过程的复杂性,为对话和理解提供了新途径的可能性。作为说明本研究中跨尺度相互作用的一种方法而开发的“自适应曲线”可用于综合泛政府分析的结果并支持其解释,为未来的规划和决策提供相关的出发点。该地区以前的土地使用管理造成了不同利益相关者之间的紧张关系,并降低了环境恢复能力。系统思维方法强调了变革过程的复杂性,为对话和理解提供了新途径的可能性。作为说明本研究中跨尺度相互作用的一种方法而开发的“自适应曲线”可用于综合泛政府分析的结果并支持其解释,为未来的规划和决策提供相关的出发点。该地区以前的土地使用管理造成了不同利益相关者之间的紧张关系,并降低了环境恢复能力。系统思维方法强调了变革过程的复杂性,为对话和理解提供了新途径的可能性。作为说明本研究中跨尺度相互作用的一种方法而开发的“自适应曲线”可用于综合泛政府分析的结果并支持其解释,为未来的规划和决策提供相关的出发点。