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Antibacterial Activity of Pediocin and Pediocin-Producing Bacteria Against Listeria monocytogenes in Meat Products
Frontiers in Microbiology ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-17 , DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.709959
Nasim Khorshidian 1 , Elham Khanniri 1 , Mehrdad Mohammadi 1 , Amir M Mortazavian 2 , Mojtaba Yousefi 3

One of the most important challenges in the food industry is to produce healthy and safe food products, and this could be achieved through various processes as well as the use of different additives, especially chemical preservatives. However, consumer awareness and concern about chemical preservatives have led researchers to focus on the use of natural antimicrobial compounds such as bacteriocins. Pediocins, which belong to subclass IIa of bacteriocin characterized as small unmodified peptides with a low molecular weight (2.7–17 kDa), are produced by some of the Pediococcus bacteria. Pediocin and pediocin-like bacteriocins exert a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, especially against pathogenic bacteria, such as Listeria monocytogenes through formation of pores in the cytoplasmic membrane and cell membrane dysfunction. Pediocins are sensitive to most protease enzymes such as papain, pepsin, and trypsin; however, they keep their antimicrobial activity during heat treatment, at low temperatures even at −80°C, and after treatment with lipase, lysozyme, phospholipase C, DNase, or RNase. Due to the anti-listeria activity of pediocin on the one hand and the potential health hazards associated with consumption of meat products on the other hand, this review aimed to investigate the possible application of pediocin in preservation of meat and meat products against L. monocytogenes.


Pediocin 和 Pediocin 产生菌对肉制品中单核细胞增生李斯特菌的抗菌活性

食品行业最重要的挑战之一是生产健康安全的食品,这可以通过各种工艺以及使用不同的添加剂,尤其是化学防腐剂来实现。然而,消费者对化学防腐剂的认识和担忧促使研究人员将重点放在使用天然抗菌化合物(如细菌素)上。Pediocins 属于细菌素的 IIa 亚类,特征为具有低分子量 (2.7-17 kDa) 的未修饰的小肽,由一些细菌产生片球菌属细菌。Pediocin 和 pediocin-like 细菌素对革兰氏阳性菌具有广谱的抗菌活性,尤其是对致病菌,例如李斯特菌通过在细胞质膜上形成孔洞和细胞膜功能障碍。Pediocins 对大多数蛋白酶敏感,如木瓜蛋白酶、胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶;然而,它们在热处理过程中、即使在 -80°C 的低温下以及在用脂肪酶、溶菌酶、磷脂酶 C、DNase 或 RNase 处理后仍保持其抗菌活性。由于片菌素一方面具有抗李斯特菌活性,另一方面与食用肉制品相关的潜在健康危害,本综述旨在探讨片菌素在肉类和肉制品保鲜中的可能应用。单核细胞增生李斯特菌.
