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Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Wrong-Way Driving Fatal Crashes on Freeways
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1177/03611981211015254
Yukun Song 1 , Huaguo Zhou 1 , Qing Chang 1 , Mohammad Jalayer 2

The objective of this study is to identify clusters of contributing factors associated with the occurrence of wrong-way driving (WWD) fatal crashes on freeways using the multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) method based on the Burt matrix with an adjustment of inertias. A total of 14 years (2004–2017) of WWD fatal crash data were extracted from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) database. A standard procedure was developed to extract the WWD crash information (including a total of 3,817 crashes) on freeways from the FARS. Each crash contains various characteristics of crashes, vehicles, and drivers, for example, crash time, crash location, vehicle type, driver age, and so forth. The MCA analysis used a total of 19 key variables with 67 defined categories. The results of this study indicate that four clusters of factors which, when combined, might contribute to the occurrence of some WWD fatal crashes. These four clusters were: (1) younger drivers, driving under the influence (DUI), midnight/early morning, lower speed limit (45–50 mph), urban areas, and street lighting; (2) older drivers, non-DUI drivers, and daylight; (3) dark/no light, 18:00 to 23:59 p.m., higher speed limits (65 mph or more), and rural areas; and (4) rain/snow/sleet/hail/fog, and wet road surface.



本研究的目的是使用基于 Burt 矩阵并调整惯量的多重对应分析 (MCA) 方法,确定与高速公路上错误驾驶 (WWD) 致命事故发生相关的影响因素集群。从美国国家公路交通安全管理局 (NHTSA) 死亡分析报告系统 (FARS) 数据库中提取了总共 14 年(2004-2017 年)的 WWD 致命事故数据。制定了标准程序以从 FARS 中提取高速公路上的 WWD 碰撞信息(包括总共 3,817 次碰撞)。每次碰撞都包含碰撞、车辆和驾驶员的各种特征,例如碰撞时间、碰撞位置、车辆类型、驾驶员年龄等。MCA 分析总共使用了 19 个关键变量,定义了 67 个类别。这项研究的结果表明,四类因素结合起来可能会导致一些 WWD 致命事故的发生。这四个集群是:(1)年轻司机、酒驾(DUI)、午夜/清晨、低限速(45-50英里/小时)、市区和路灯;(2) 老司机、非酒驾司机和白天;(3) 黑暗/无光,晚上 18:00 到 23:59,更高的限速(65 英里/小时或更高)和农村地区;(4) 雨/雪/雨夹雪/冰雹/雾和潮湿的路面。和白天;(3) 黑暗/无光,晚上 18:00 到 23:59,更高的限速(65 英里/小时或更高)和农村地区;(4) 雨/雪/雨夹雪/冰雹/雾和潮湿的路面。和白天;(3) 黑暗/无光,晚上 18:00 到 23:59,更高的限速(65 英里/小时或更高)和农村地区;(4) 雨/雪/雨夹雪/冰雹/雾和潮湿的路面。
