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Two periods of geodetic glacier mass balance at Eastern Nyainqentanglha derived from multi-platform bistatic SAR interferometry
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2021.102541
Gang Li 1 , Yu Li 2 , Hui Lin 3 , Qinghua Ye 4 , Liming Jiang 5

Bistatic SAR interferometry is an essential technique of observing glacier height changes and geodetic mass balance. Eastern Nyainqentanglha distributes the majority parts of monsoonal temperate glaciers and presented the quickest glacier mass loss rate at High-mountains Asia. Most recent studies on glacier mass balance at High-mountains Asia focus on the decadal-scale. Here we obtained TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X SAR images observed in ∼2012 and ∼2017, together with the SRTM DEM that observed in 2000 we derived geodetic glacier mass balances in two periods (2000 - ∼2012/∼2012 - ∼2017). We proposed three InSAR processing procedures for deriving geodetic glacier mass balance of the second period, which yielded basically identical results. Topography differencing between two DEMs derived both by TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X can provide geodetic glacier mass balance information at a sub-decadal scale. The patterns of glacier mass balance were almost identical before and after ∼2012 and showed with slightly increasing rates of mass loss. Glaciers distributed at the southeastern, which were most clean-ice type, presented with quicker loss rates than the glaciers at the northwestern part, which were most debris-covered type. Yanong glacier, which was the largest glacier and belong to lake-terminating type showed the quickest mass loss rate. Decreasing precipitation, increasing temperature and downward shortwave radiation could be responsible for the quick glacier mass loss.



双基地SAR干涉测量是观测冰川高度变化和大地质量平衡的重要技术。念青唐古拉东部分布着大部分季风温带冰川,在亚洲高山地区冰川质量损失速度最快。最近关于亚洲高山冰川物质平衡的研究集中在年代际尺度上。在这里,我们获得了 ~2012 年和 ~2017 年观测到的 TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X SAR 图像,连同 2000 年观测到的 SRTM DEM,我们推导出了两个时期(2000 - ∼2012/∼2012 - ∼2017)的大地测量冰川质量平衡. 我们提出了三种 InSAR 处理程序来推导第二期大地测量冰川质量平衡,得到了基本相同的结果。由 TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X 导出的两个 DEM 之间的地形差异可以提供次年代尺度的大地测量冰川质量平衡信息。2012年前后冰川物质平衡模式几乎相同,质量损失率略有增加。分布在东南部的冰川是最干净的冰类型,其损失速度比西北部分的冰川更快,后者是最碎片覆盖的类型。亚农冰川是最大的冰川,属于终湖型冰川,质量损失速度最快。降水减少、温度升高和向下的短波辐射可能是冰川质量快速流失的原因。2012年前后冰川物质平衡模式几乎相同,质量损失率略有增加。分布在东南部的冰川是最干净的冰类型,其损失速度比西北部分的冰川更快,后者是最碎片覆盖的类型。亚农冰川是最大的冰川,属于终湖型冰川,质量损失速度最快。降水减少、温度升高和向下的短波辐射可能是冰川质量快速流失的原因。2012年前后冰川物质平衡模式几乎相同,质量损失率略有增加。分布在东南部的冰川是最干净的冰类型,其损失速度比西北部分的冰川更快,后者是最碎片覆盖的类型。亚农冰川是最大的冰川,属于终湖型冰川,质量损失速度最快。降水减少、温度升高和向下的短波辐射可能是冰川质量快速流失的原因。其中最大的冰川属于湖泊终止型冰川的质量损失速度最快。降水减少、温度升高和向下的短波辐射可能是冰川质量快速流失的原因。其中最大的冰川属于湖泊终止型冰川的质量损失速度最快。降水减少、温度升高和向下的短波辐射可能是冰川质量快速流失的原因。
