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Evaluating Water Quality in a Large River System in the Northern European Russia by Macrozoobenthos
Water Resources ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-15 , DOI: 10.1134/s0097807821050055
I. A. Baryshev 1


Macrozoobenthos analyses were used to evaluate the ecological water quality in the Shuya River, a large tributary of Onega Lake, which determines water chemistry in the water intake of Petrozavodsk City, the capital of the Republic of Karelia. Water quality indices, widely used in the world practice, were applied, including FBI, EBI, BMWP, ASPT, BBI, IBGN, GW, EPT, and IM, as well as the integral IBC index. At the average estimate good, the values of indices showed a strong dependence on the characteristics of the station. Samples taken in pool areas with soft soils gave underestimates of water quality indices. The quality classes moderate and good was found in small tributaries, and the quality class excellent, in rapids in the lower reaches of large rivers. It is recommended to evaluate water quality separately for pool areas, small tributaries, and rapids in the main channel; the obtained indices are recommended only to compare similar biotopes. The river ecosystem was found to be in a stable state, comparable with that in the 1980s, notwithstanding the heavier anthropogenic load.




大型底栖动物分析用于评估奥涅加湖的大型支流舒亚河的生态水质,它决定了卡累利阿共和国首都彼得罗扎沃茨克市取水口的水化学成分。应用了国际实践中广泛使用的水质指标,包括FBI、EBI、BMWP、ASPT、BBI、IBGN、GW、EPT、IM,以及积分IBC指数。在平均估计好的情况下,指数值表现出对台站特征的强烈依赖。在软土池区采集的样本低估了水质指数。小支流中质量等级为中等良好,质量等级为,在大河下游的急流中。建议对池区、小支流、干流急流分别进行水质评价;所获得的指数仅推荐用于比较相似的生物群落。尽管人为负荷较重,但河流生态系统仍处于稳定状态,与 1980 年代相当。
