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The KD Sr/Ca in cultured massive Porites spp. corals are reduced at low seawater pCO2
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.09.007
C. Cole 1 , A.A. Finch 1 , C. Hintz 2 , K. Hintz 3 , Y. Yu 4 , EIMF 5 , N. Allison 1

Coral skeletal Sr/Ca has valuable potential as a proxy of sea surface temperatures (SSTs). However seawater pCO2 can influence skeletal Sr incorporation and Sr/Ca-SST calibrations derived from present day corals may not be applicable to ancient specimens or older sections of modern corals deposited under lower seawater pCO2 than the present day. In this study we analysed skeletal Sr/Ca in multiple genotypes of massive Porites spp. cultured over a range of seawater pCO2 (from 180 to 750 μatm) and temperature (25 °C and 28 °C). Multiple linear regression analysis indicates that the Sr/Ca aragonite partition coefficient, KD Sr/Ca is inversely related to seawater temperature and positively related to seawater pCO2 (equivalent to changes in skeletal Sr/Ca of 0.046 mmol mol−1 °C−1 and 0.0002 mmol mol−1 µatm−1 respectively). Applying present day Sr/Ca-SST equations to older coral skeletons growing at lower pCO2 could underestimate seawater temperatures. However KD Sr/Ca vary significantly between some coral genotypes cultured at the same seawater pCO2 indicating that other unidentified processes also influence skeletal Sr/Ca and it is unknown how these processes varied when ancient corals were deposited. We do not observe a significant relationship between KD Sr/Ca and coral calcification rate after combining all coral genotypes to allow identification of the correct KD Sr/Ca to apply to coral records.


KD Sr/Ca 在培养的大量 Porites spp 中。珊瑚在低海水 pCO2 下减少

珊瑚骨骼 Sr/Ca 具有作为海面温度 (SST) 代理的宝贵潜力。然而,海水 pCO 2会影响骨骼 Sr 的掺入,并且源自当今珊瑚的 Sr/Ca-SST 校准可能不适用于沉积在比现在更低的海水 pCO 2下的古代标本或现代珊瑚的较旧部分。在这项研究中,我们分析了大量Porites spp 的多个基因型中的骨骼 Sr/Ca 。在一定范围的海水 pCO 2(从 180 到 750 μatm)和温度(25 °C 和 28 °C)下培养。多元线性回归分析表明 Sr/Ca 文石分配系数 K DSr/Ca 与海水温度呈负相关,与海水 pCO 2呈正相关(相当于骨骼 Sr/Ca 的变化分别为 0.046 mmol mol -1 °C -1和 0.0002 mmol mol -1  µatm -1)。将当今的 Sr/Ca-SST 方程应用于在较低 pCO 2下生长的旧珊瑚骨骼可能会低估海水温度。然而,在相同海水 pCO 2 下培养的一些珊瑚基因型之间K D Sr/Ca 差异显着表明其他未识别的过程也会影响骨骼 Sr/Ca 并且不知道这些过程在古代珊瑚沉积时如何变化。在结合所有珊瑚基因型以识别正确的 K D Sr/Ca 以应用于珊瑚记录后,我们没有观察到 K D Sr/Ca 与珊瑚钙化率之间的显着关系。
