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Relational Life: Lessons from Black Feminism on Whiteness and Engaging New Food Activism
Antipode ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-14 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.12775
Carrie Chennault 1

Critical food scholarship and BIPOC-led food activism are demanding government responsibility for developing equitable food systems, while contending with the failure of government to affirm Black and Brown lives. Heeding Black feminist calls for complex geographies, I trace the racial entanglements of food apartheid in daily life in Dubuque, Iowa, USA as they intersect with Growing Together, a community donation gardening program developed through federal nutrition education and state Cooperative Extension programs. Analysing interview data, I examine Growing Together’s lack of accountability for food apartheid in Dubuque, and I focus on radical strategies to disrupt racialised, taken for granted notions of city neighbourhoods as “with” and “without” food, knowledge, skills, or community character. Complex geographies reveal paths to reconfigure Growing Together around mutual interdependency and support of Black- and Brown-led collective struggles against a racist state, paths that ultimately demand the deep governmental transformations called for within racial justice movements.



批判性食品奖学金和 BIPOC 领导的食品激进主义要求政府负责发展公平的食品系统,同时与政府未能肯定黑人和棕色人种的生活作斗争。听从黑人女权主义者对复杂地理环境的呼吁,我在美国爱荷华州迪比克追踪食品种族隔离在日常生活中的种族纠葛,因为它们与通过联邦营养教育和州合作推广计划开发的社区捐赠园艺计划“共同成长”相交。分析采访数据,我检查了共同成长对迪比克的食品种族隔离缺乏问责制,我专注于破坏种族化的激进策略,认为城市社区“有”和“没有”食物、知识、技能或社区是理所当然的概念特点。