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The Road Toward Behavior-Driven Automation
IEEE Wireless Communications ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-10 , DOI: 10.1109/mwc.2021.9535458
Andre Fuetsch

If 2020 taught the world something it is that adaptability is essential, and flexibility is key to social and economic stability. In times when health safety is paramount, with small IoT devices producing unimaginable amounts of data and automation driving productivity, the world is on the evolutionary path toward a more integrated knowledge-driven society. The next chapter of technology evolution is bringing together existing technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G, making it possible to enact human behavior changes and enabling context-based decision-making to augment worker productivity as well as safer and healthier communities.



如果说 2020 年给了世界一些教训的话,那就是适应性至关重要,而灵活性是社会和经济稳定的关键。在健康安全至关重要的时代,小型物联网设备产生难以想象的大量数据,自动化提高了生产力,世界正走在迈向更加一体化的知识驱动型社会的演进道路上。技术演进的下一章是将物联网 (IoT)、数据分析、人工智能 (AI) 和 5G 等现有技术结合在一起,使人类行为改变成为可能,并使基于情境的决策能够增强工人生产力以及更安全、更健康的社区。