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Corrections to “A Fully Integrated Arbitrary Power Divider on Printed Circuit Board by a Novel SMD-Resistor-Free Isolation Network”
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-10 , DOI: 10.1109/tcpmt.2021.3105221
Siang Chen , Tzong-Lin Wu

In the above article [1] , Figs. 22 and 24 were mistakenly reproduced in Figs. 25 and 21 , respectively. The correct versions of Figs. 21 and 25 are provided here.


对“通过新型 SMD 无电阻隔离网络在印刷电路板上实现完全集成的任意功率分配器”的更正

在上面的文章中 [1] ,无花果。22 和 24 被错误地复制在无花果。2521 , 分别。正确的版本无花果。2125 在这里提供。