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Correction to: Severity: a QoS-aware approach to cloud application elasticity
Journal of Cloud Computing ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-13 , DOI: 10.1186/s13677-021-00266-2
Andreas Tsagkaropoulos 1, 2 , Yiannis Verginadis 1, 3 , Nikos Papageorgiou 1, 2 , Fotis Paraskevopoulos 1, 2 , Dimitris Apostolou 1, 4 , Gregoris Mentzas 1, 2

Correction to: J Cloud Comp 10, 45 (2021)


Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified an error. This error has been corrected to express more accurately the work of Arkian et al. [2]. This change should also make the last lines of the fourth paragraph of the Section on Rule-based and control-theoretic adaptation approaches more understandable.Footnote 1

The erroneous and corrected text are published in this correction article. The original article has been updated.


  • When the performance is better than expected, a single processing instance is removed, while when it is worse, a single processing instance is removed.


  • When the performance is better than expected, multiple processing instances can be removed, while when it is worse, a single processing instance is added.

  1. 1.

    “Moreover, the scaling algorithms we define allow more than one instances to be added as necessary which reduces the number of reconfigurations.”

  1. 1.

    Tsagkaropoulos A, Verginadis Y, Papageorgiou N, Paraskevopoulos F, Apostolou D, Mentzas G (2021) Severity: a QoS-aware approach to cloud application elasticity. J Cloud Comp 10(1):45. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13677-021-00255-5

    Article Google Scholar

  2. 2.

    Arkian H et al (2021) Model-based Stream Processing Auto-scaling in Geo-Distributed Environments. In: ICCCN 2021-30th International Conference on Computer Communications and Network

    Google Scholar

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  1. Information Management Unit (IMU), Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Athens, Greece

    Andreas Tsagkaropoulos, Yiannis Verginadis, Nikos Papageorgiou, Fotis Paraskevopoulos, Dimitris Apostolou & Gregoris Mentzas

  2. National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece

    Andreas Tsagkaropoulos, Nikos Papageorgiou, Fotis Paraskevopoulos & Gregoris Mentzas

  3. Department of Business Administration, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece

    Yiannis Verginadis

  4. Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece

    Dimitris Apostolou

  1. Andreas TsagkaropoulosView author publications

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  2. Yiannis VerginadisView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  3. Nikos PapageorgiouView author publications

    You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar

  4. Fotis ParaskevopoulosView author publications

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  5. Dimitris ApostolouView author publications

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  6. Gregoris MentzasView author publications

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Correspondence to Andreas Tsagkaropoulos.

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Tsagkaropoulos, A., Verginadis, Y., Papageorgiou, N. et al. Correction to: Severity: a QoS-aware approach to cloud application elasticity. J Cloud Comp 10, 50 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13677-021-00266-2

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13677-021-00266-2


更正:严重性:云应用程序弹性的 QoS 感知方法

更正:J Cloud Comp 10, 45 (2021)


在原始文章 [1] 发表后,作者发现了一个错误。此错误已更正,以更准确地表达 Arkian 等人的工作。[2]。这一变化还应该使基于规则和控制理论的适应方法部分第四段的最后几行更容易理解。脚注1



  • 当性能好于预期时,删除单个处理实例,而当性能较差时,删除单个处理实例。


  • 当性能好于预期时,可以删除多个处理实例,而当性能较差时,添加单个处理实例。

  1. 1.


  1. 1.

    Tsagkaropoulos A、Verginadis Y、Papageorgiou N、Paraskevopoulos F、Apostolou D、Mentzas G (2021) 严重性:云应用程序弹性的 QoS 感知方法。J 云计算 10(1):45。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13677-021-00255-5

    文章 谷歌学术

  2. 2.

    Arkian H 等人 (2021) 地理分布式环境中基于模型的流处理自动缩放。在:ICCCN 2021-30届计算机通信与网络国际会议




  1. 信息管理单元 (IMU),通信和计算机系统研究所,希腊雅典

    Andreas Tsagkaropoulos、Yiannis Verginadis、Nikos Papageorgiou、Fotis Paraskevopoulos、Dimitris Apostolou 和 Gregoris Mentzas

  2. 雅典国立技术大学 (NTUA),希腊雅典

    Andreas Tsagkaropoulos、Nikos Papageorgiou、Fotis Paraskevopoulos 和 Gregoris Mentzas

  3. 希腊雅典经济与商业大学工商管理系


  4. 信息学系,比雷埃夫斯大学,比雷埃夫斯,希腊


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  2. Yiannis Verginadis查看作者出版物

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  3. Nikos Papageorgiou查看作者出版物

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  6. Gregoris Mentzas查看作者出版物

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Tsagkaropoulos, A.、Verginadis, Y.、Papageorgiou, N.等。更正为:严重性:云应用程序弹性的 QoS 感知方法。J Cloud Comp 10, 50 (2021)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13677-021-00266-2


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  • DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s13677-021-00266-2
