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The use of biomarkers associated with leaky gut as a diagnostic tool for early intervention in autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review
Gut Pathogens ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-13 , DOI: 10.1186/s13099-021-00448-y
Laila Al-Ayadhi 1, 2 , Naima Zayed 3 , Ramesa Shafi Bhat 4 , Nadine M S Moubayed 5 , May N Al-Muammar 6 , Afaf El-Ansary 7

Innovative research highlighted the probable connection between autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and gut microbiota as many autistic individuals have gastrointestinal problems as co-morbidities. This review emphasizes the role of altered gut microbiota observed frequently in autistic patients, and the mechanisms through which such alterations may trigger leaky gut. Different bacterial metabolite levels in the blood and urine of autistic children, such as short-chain fatty acids, lipopolysaccharides, beta-cresol, and bacterial toxins, were reviewed. Moreover, the importance of selected proteins, among which are calprotectin, zonulin, and lysozyme, were discussed as biomarkers for the early detection of leaky gut as an etiological mechanism of ASD through the less integrative gut–blood–brain barriers. Disrupted gut–blood–brain barriers can explain the leakage of bacterial metabolites in these patients. Although the cause-to-effect relationship between ASD and altered gut microbiota is not yet well understood, this review shows that with the consumption of specific diets, definite probiotics may represent a noninvasive tool to reestablish healthy gut microbiota and stimulate gut health. The diagnostic and therapeutic value of intestinal proteins and bacterial-derived compounds as new possible biomarkers, as well as potential therapeutic targets, are discussed.



创新研究强调了自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 与肠道微生物群之间可能存在的联系,因为许多自闭症患者有胃肠道问题和合并症。这篇综述强调了在自闭症患者中经常观察到的肠道菌群改变的作用,以及这种改变可能引发肠漏的机制。综述了自闭症儿童血液和尿液中的不同细菌代谢物水平,如短链脂肪酸、脂多糖、β-甲酚和细菌毒素。此外,还讨论了选定蛋白质(其中包括钙卫蛋白、连蛋白和溶菌酶)的重要性,它们作为早期检测肠漏的生物标志物,作为 ASD 的病因机制,通过较少整合的肠-血-脑屏障。被破坏的肠-血-脑屏障可以解释这些患者中细菌代谢物的泄漏。尽管 ASD 与肠道菌群改变之间的因果关系尚不清楚,但本综述表明,随着特定饮食的摄入,确定的益生菌可能是一种非侵入性工具,可以重建健康的肠道菌群并刺激肠道健康。讨论了肠道蛋白和细菌衍生化合物作为新的可能生物标志物以及潜在治疗靶点的诊断和治疗价值。确定的益生菌可能是一种非侵入性工具,可以重建健康的肠道微生物群并刺激肠道健康。讨论了肠道蛋白和细菌衍生化合物作为新的可能生物标志物以及潜在治疗靶点的诊断和治疗价值。确定的益生菌可能是一种非侵入性工具,可以重建健康的肠道微生物群并刺激肠道健康。讨论了肠道蛋白和细菌衍生化合物作为新的可能生物标志物以及潜在治疗靶点的诊断和治疗价值。