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Estimate of energy loss from internal solitary waves breaking on slopes
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-13 , DOI: 10.5194/npg-2021-30
Kateryna Terletska , Vladimir Maderich , Tatiana Talipova

Abstract. Internal solitary waves (ISW) emerge in the ocean and seas in different forms and break on the shelf zones in a variety of ways. Their breaking on slopes can produce intensive mixing that produces such process as biological productivity and sediment transport. Mechanisms of ISW of depression interaction with the slopes related to breaking and changing polarity as they shoal. We assume that parameters that described the process of interaction of ISW in a two-layer fluid with the idealised shelf-slope are: the non-dimensional wave amplitude α (wave amplitude normalized on the upper layer thickness), the ratio of the height of the bottom layer on the shelf to the incident wave amplitude β and angle γ. Based on three-dimensional αβγ classification diagram with four types of interaction with the slopes it was discussed: (1) ISW propagates over slope without changing polarity and wave breaking; (2) ISW changes polarity over slope without breaking; (3) ISW breaks over slope without changing polarity; (4) ISW both breaks and change polarity over the slope. Relations between the parameters α,β,γ for each regime were obtained using the empirical condition for wave breaking and weakly nonlinear theory for the criterion of changing the polarity of the wave. In the present paper the α,β,γ diagram was validated for idealised real scale topography configurations. Results of the numerical experiments that were carried out in the present paper and results of field and laboratory experiments from other papers are in good agreement with proposed classification and estimations. Based on 85 numerical experiments ISWs energy loss during interaction with slope topography with 0.5° < γ < 90° was estimated. Hot spots zones of high levels of energy loss were shown for idealized configuration that mimics continental shelf at Lufeng Region SCS.



摘要。内部孤立波 (ISW) 以不同的形式出现在海洋中,并以各种方式在陆架区破裂。它们在斜坡上的破碎会产生强烈的混合,从而产生生物生产力和沉积物运输等过程。洼地与斜坡相互作用的 ISW 机制与浅滩的破坏和极性改变有关。我们假设描述 ISW 在具有理想化货架坡度的两层流体中相互作用过程的参数是:无量纲波幅α(在上层厚度上归一化的波幅),搁板底层地入射波振幅β和角度γ。基于三维αβγ分类图与讨论的四种类型的斜坡相互作用: (1) ISW 在斜坡上传播而不改变极性和波形;(2) ISW 在斜率上改变极性而不中断;(3) ISW 在不改变极性的情况下突破斜率;(4) ISW 在斜坡上既断裂又改变极性。使用破波的经验条件和弱非线性理论作为改变波的极性的标准,获得了每个状态的参数αβγ之间的关系。在本文中α , β , γ图已针对理想化的真实比例地形配置进行了验证。本论文中进行的数值实验结果以及其他论文中的现场和实验室实验结果与提出的分类和估计非常一致。基于 85 次数值实验,估计 ISW 在与 0.5° < γ  < 90° 的斜坡地形相互作用期间的能量损失 。模拟陆丰地区南海大陆架的理想配置显示了高水平能量损失的热点区域。