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Moving into multiculturalism. Multicultural attitudes of socially mobile individuals without a migration background
European Societies ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-10 , DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2021.1976415
Lisa-Marie Kraus 1 , Stijn Daenekindt 2


In various Western European cities, international migration has transformed the former ethnic majority into a numerical ethnic minority. We study people without a migration background to shed light on the former majority’s attitudes towards multiculturalism in these majority-minority contexts. Among those without a migration background, we specifically focus on socially mobile individuals in order to disentangle the influence of primary and secondary socialization on attitudes towards multiculturalism. Using survey data on Amsterdam, Antwerp, Malmo, Rotterdam and Vienna (n = 2,457), we found that, whilst controlling for the effects of primary and secondary socialization, both upward and downward mobility associates to more optimistic multicultural attitudes. We argue that the experience of social mobility equips people with a reflexivity which allows them to have a more optimistic perspective on the multi-ethnic city. In this way, this article improves our understanding of why some people are more willing than others to adapt to multi-ethnic contexts.




在西欧的各个城市,国际移民已经将以前的多数族裔转变为数量众多的少数族裔。我们研究没有移民背景的人,以阐明在这些多数-少数背景下,前多数人对多元文化主义的态度。在那些没有移民背景的人中,我们特别关注社会流动的个人,以解开初级和次级社会化对多元文化态度的影响。使用阿姆斯特丹、安特卫普、马尔默、鹿特丹和维也纳的调查数据(n = 2,457),我们发现,在控制初级和次级社会化的影响的同时,向上和向下流动都与更乐观的多元文化态度相关联。我们认为,社会流动的经验使人们具有反思性,使他们对多民族城市有更乐观的看法。通过这种方式,本文加深了我们对为什么有些人比其他人更愿意适应多民族环境的理解。
