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“There isn't no trouble at all if the state law would keep out”: Indigenous People and New York's Carceral State
Journal of American History ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jahist/jaab123
Christopher Clements 1

Twenty-five-year-old Mitchell Tarbell was out of breath, desperate, and fearing for his life. As he ran across farmers' fields with three federal police officers on his trail, gunshots punctuated the low hum rising from the nearby St. Regis River. It was after midnight on October 10, 1923, and Tarbell's decision to jump into the frigid water seemed less a choice than a necessity in the face of what felt like certain death at the hands of law enforcement. And, so, he leapt. During his pursuit, Tarbell had not removed the heavy sheepskin jacket he was wearing when Agents Frank Henry and Veeder T. Weller of the Ogdensburg (New York)–based U.S. Customs Patrol pulled over the truck in which Tarbell and his partner, both bootleggers, had been traveling. That night, Weller and Henry were joined in their chase by Seaman Thomas J. Firth, then a sailor on the Uss Chillicothe, a tugboat that patrolled the St. Lawrence River for liquor smugglers on behalf of the U.S. Treasury Department's Prohibition enforcement unit. When recounting the incident the next day, Agent Henry recalled hearing Tarbell cry for help once before drowning in the twelve-foot-deep waters.11


“如果州法律不存在,根本没有问题”:土著人民和纽约的 Carceral State

25 岁的米切尔·塔贝尔 (Mitchell Tarbell) 气喘吁吁,绝望了,并且为自己的生命担忧。当他带着三名联邦警察跑过农田时,枪声打断了附近瑞吉斯河传来的低沉嗡嗡声。那是 1923 年 10 月 10 日午夜过后,塔贝尔跳入冰冷的水中的决定似乎与其说是一种选择,不如说是一种必然,因为在执法人员的手中感觉像是必死无疑。于是,他跳了起来。在追捕过程中,塔贝尔并没有脱下他穿着的厚重羊皮夹克,当时美国海关巡逻队的特工弗兰克亨利和维德 T. 韦勒拦下了塔贝尔和他的搭档都是走私贩的卡车,一直在旅行。那天晚上,海曼·托马斯·J·弗斯加入了韦勒和亨利的追捕,Uss Chillicothe是一艘拖船,代表美国财政部的禁酒令执行单位在圣劳伦斯河巡逻,寻找酒类走私者。第二天在讲述这件事时,特工亨利回忆起在 12 英尺深的水里淹死之前曾听到塔贝尔呼救的声音。11