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Health Benefits in California of Strengthening the Fine Particulate Matter Standards
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c03177
Shupeng Zhu 1 , Michael Mac Kinnon 1 , Andre Paradise 2 , Donald Dabdub 2 , G Scott Samuelsen 1

The Clean Air Act requires the United States Environmental Protection Agency to review routinely the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, including fine particulate matter (PM2.5). A non-governmental Independent Particulate Matter Review Panel recently concluded that the current PM2.5 standards do not protect public health adequately and recommended revising the daily standard from 35 to 25–30 μg/m3 and the annual standard from 12 to 8–10 μg/m3. To assess the public health implications of adopting the PM2.5 standards proposed by the panel, the health benefits are quantified from their implementation based on both current (observed) and future (simulated) air quality data for California. The findings indicate that strengthening the standards would provide significant public health benefits valued at $42–$149 billion. Additionally, the stronger standards are shown to benefit environmental justice via health savings that are allocated more within environmentally and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities.



《清洁空气法案》要求美国环境保护署定期审查国家环境空气质量标准,包括细颗粒物 (PM 2.5 )。一个非政府独立微粒物质审查小组最近得出结论,目前的 PM 2.5标准不能充分保护公众健康,并建议将每日标准从 35 修改为 25-30 μg/m 3并将年度标准从 12 修改为 8-10 μg /米3。评估采用 PM 2.5 的公共卫生影响根据该小组提出的标准,健康益处是根据加利福尼亚当前(观察到的)和未来(模拟)空气质量数据从其实施中量化的。调查结果表明,加强标准将提供价值 42-1490 亿美元的重大公共卫生利益。此外,通过在环境和社会经济弱势社区内分配更多的健康储蓄,更高的标准被证明有利于环境正义。