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Enabling Communities of Practice Surrounding the Design and Use of Custom Accessible Music Technology
Computer Music Journal ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-27 , DOI: 10.1162/comj_a_00567
Alex Lucas 1 , Franziska Schroeder 2 , Miguel Ortiz 3

In this article, the research group Performance without Barriers reflect on the process of collaboratively designing a custom guitar-inspired instrument with Eoin Fitzpatrick, a physically disabled musician from the Drake Music Project, Northern Ireland. As part of a longitudinal ethnographic case study designed to uncover factors that contribute to the longevity of custom assistive music technology, the authors monitored Fitzpatrick using this instrument over two months. The findings of this study inform a reflection on the social, technical, and environmental factors that the provision of such technology a reality. The authors make suggestions for ways to achieve long-term, sustained use. Custom technologies, seemingly unique on the surface, may well utilize similar underlying hardware and software components. Those involved in its design, fabrication, facilitation, and use could benefit from a concerted effort to share resources, knowledge, and skill as a mobilized community of practitioners. In such a pursuit, the authors recommend that practitioners consider strategies for managing the inherent complexity of digital technology. Fostering shared mental models within open-source communities can result in improved efficiency in the development of accessible music technology.



在本文中,Performance without Barriers 研究小组反思了与来自北爱尔兰德雷克音乐项目的身体残疾音乐家 Eoin Fitzpatrick 合作设计定制吉他灵感乐器的过程。作为旨在揭示有助于定制辅助音乐技术长寿的因素的纵向民族志案例研究的一部分,作者在两个月内使用这种乐器对 Fitzpatrick 进行了监测。这项研究的结果反映了对提供此类技术的社会、技术和环境因素的反思。作者就实现长期、持续使用的方法提出了建议。表面上看似独特的定制技术很可能利用类似的底层硬件和软件组件。参与其设计的人,作为一个动员起来的从业者社区,通过共同努力共享资源、知识和技能,制造、促进和使用可以受益。在这种追求中,作者建议从业者考虑管理数字技术固有复杂性的策略。在开源社区内培养共享的心理模型可以提高无障碍音乐技术的开发效率。
