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High-Resolution Modeling and Apportionment of Diesel-Related Contributions to Black Carbon Concentrations
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c03913
Sofia D Hamilton 1 , Robert A Harley 1

Exposure to diesel-related air pollution, which includes black carbon (BC) as a major component of the particulate matter emitted in engine exhaust, is a known human health hazard. The resulting health burden falls heavily on vulnerable communities located close to major sources including highways, rail yards, and ports. Determination of source contributions to the overall pollution burden is challenging due to collinearity in the exhaust composition profiles for relevant sources including heavy-duty diesel trucks, railroad locomotives, cargo-handling equipment, and marine engines. Additionally, the impact of each source depends not just on the magnitude of emissions but on its location relative to receptors as well as on meteorology. We modeled source-resolved BC concentrations in West Oakland, California, at a high (150 m) spatial resolution using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. The ability of the model to predict hourly and 24 h average BC concentrations is evaluated for a 100-day period in summer 2017 when BC was measured at 100 sites within the community. We find that a community monitoring site is representative of population-weighted average BC exposure in the community. Major contributing sources to BC in West Oakland include on-road diesel trucks (44 ± 5%) and three off-road diesel sources: ocean-going vessels (19 ± 1%), railroad locomotives (16 ± 2%), and harbor craft such as tugboats and ferries (11 ± 1%).



暴露于柴油相关的空气污染中,其中包括黑碳 (BC) 作为发动机排气中排放的颗粒物的主要成分,是已知的人类健康危害。由此产生的健康负担沉重地落在靠近主要来源(包括高速公路、铁路站场和港口)的脆弱社区身上。由于相关来源(包括重型柴油卡车、铁路机车、货物装卸设备和船用发动机)的排气成分分布共线性,因此确定对总体污染负担的来源贡献具有挑战性。此外,每个来源的影响不仅取决于排放量,还取决于其相对于受体的位置以及气象。我们模拟了加利福尼亚州西奥克兰的源解析 BC 浓度,使用天气研究和预测模型以高 (150 m) 空间分辨率。该模型预测每小时和 24 小时平均 BC 浓度的能力在 2017 年夏季的 100 天期间进行了评估,当时在社区内的 100 个地点测量了 BC。我们发现社区监测站点代表了社区中人口加权的平均 BC 暴露。西奥克兰 BC 的主要贡献来源包括公路柴油卡车 (44 ± 5%) 和三个非公路柴油来源:远洋船舶 (19 ± 1%)、铁路机车 (16 ± 2%) 和港口拖船和渡轮等工艺(11 ± 1%)。该模型预测每小时和 24 小时平均 BC 浓度的能力在 2017 年夏季的 100 天期间进行了评估,当时在社区内的 100 个地点测量了 BC。我们发现社区监测站点代表了社区中人口加权的平均 BC 暴露。西奥克兰 BC 的主要贡献来源包括公路柴油卡车 (44 ± 5%) 和三个非公路柴油来源:远洋船舶 (19 ± 1%)、铁路机车 (16 ± 2%) 和港口拖船和渡轮等工艺(11 ± 1%)。该模型预测每小时和 24 小时平均 BC 浓度的能力在 2017 年夏季的 100 天期间进行了评估,当时在社区内的 100 个地点测量了 BC。我们发现社区监测站点代表了社区中人口加权的平均 BC 暴露。西奥克兰 BC 的主要贡献来源包括公路柴油卡车 (44 ± 5%) 和三个非公路柴油来源:远洋船舶 (19 ± 1%)、铁路机车 (16 ± 2%) 和港口拖船和渡轮等工艺(11 ± 1%)。