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Implementation of the WPA Action Plan 2020-2023
World Psychiatry ( IF 60.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-09 , DOI: 10.1002/wps.20895
Afzal Javed 1

The COVID-19 pandemic has put tre­mendous burden on health care systems all over the world. Unfortunately, mental health ser­vices have also been severely affected. This is evident in reduced resource alloca­tion and downsizing of many mental health ser­vices or even closing of services world­wide1-4.

The WPA has been reviewing its Action Plan 2020-20235 in the light of the pandemic. The plan is already underway, and the Executive Committee has met several times to finalize any changes needed. The success of the implementation of the Action Plan is largely dependent on the well-coordinated interaction of all components of the WPA structure. We have, unfortunately, faced several difficulties for the functioning at our Secretariat due to lockdown and other COVID-19-related problems. However, we are confident that the Association will successfully overcome the difficulties associated with this critical period.

The WPA General Assembly adopted the Association’s Code of Ethics for Psychiatry in October 20206. The Code was developed by the Standing Committee on Ethics and Review with contributions from psychiatric societies worldwide. The Code now stands as the WPA's official statement on the ethics of psychiatry. It is not meant to replace national codes of ethics, which can better address local circumstances of each country and incorporate local sociocultural values. The WPA is asking its Member Societies to endorse the Code's principles and to confirm that their codes are not in conflict with the Association's general principles.

The WPA has established 16 working groups to address the six priorities of its Action Plan 2020-2023: capacity building; public mental health; child, adolescent and youth mental health; addressing comorbidity in mental health; partnerships with other professional and non-governmental organizations; and continuation and completion of the previous Action Plan’s work. Each of these groups has developed terms of reference and identified projects for the future7.

Among the current priorities, public men­tal health continues getting particular attention. The WPA aims to promote an in­creasing understanding of public mental health among professionals and the public, including collaboration with patient and family organizations8, 9.

Our program of scientific meetings is now in full swing. In December 2020, we held the first virtual Thematic Congress on Intersectional Collaboration under the theme “Psychological trauma: global burden on mental and physical health”. Presentations from the meeting are now available on our website (www.wpanet.org). The WPA’s first-ever virtual World Congress of Psychiatry was held in March 2021, with a wonderful program of interactive sessions and world-class speakers. It was an engaging and fulfilling experience. We also held recently a virtual Regional Congress organized by the Russian Society of Psychiatrists. The 21st World Congress of Psychiatry is taking place virtually from 18 to 21 October 2021.

The WPA membership is familiar with the courses we usually run during World Congresses. A key part of our educational program appears now as a learning management system and educational portal on our website10. The portal was launched at the beginning of 2021. It now houses many educational resources, including our COVID-19 Resource Library. To celebrate the launch of the education portal, our membership is eligible to register free for any of the online education courses taking place over the coming year.

Just like in our in-person courses, there will be activities, discussion, and opportunities for interaction, and those who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of participation. This opportunity is a valuable addition to an already outstanding scientific agenda, and we are grateful to our colleagues who are contributing their time and expertise to this new program. All courses from the online education program will eventually be available on the WPA education portal.

This year, a selection of new and updated resources has been added to the portal, in­cluding courses on tele-psychiatry and evi­dence-based psychotherapies. Also available on the portal is our exceedingly popular Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Against Women curriculum. The portal has now been updated to be more in­teractive, with presentations, reading lists, teaching points and quizzes. We will be working over the next months to update the other language versions as well. It is our hope that this new portal will not only facilitate further education in psychiatry, but will en­courage and inspire learning among colleagues and trainees around the world.

The WPA keeps on helping its member­ship to develop an effective and rapid response to requests for support for policy issues. The recent response to the Ukraine crisis exemplifies the collaboration between the Association and Member Societies in this regard11. This serves as a model for future work of a similar nature, and of how organizations with a different profile can work successfully to help improve treatment and care for people living with mental disorders.

The WPA’s Scientific Sections continue to be at the forefront of bringing diversity to the work of the Association. Furthermore, members from Sections are actively involved in teaching, training and research programmes focused on the objectives of WPA's Action Plan12-14. Some examples from this work include the activities of the Early Career Psychiatrists Section, collecting the views of early career psychiatrists on their role in clinical practice, and supporting them in utilizing current and future psychiatric classification systems across the world15, 16.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world as we knew it. The WPA is mindful that the continuous global spread of the infection is increasing risk of developing mental disorders, relapse of existing mental disorders and poor mental health, in addition to impacting the work of mental health services. We are hopeful that the WPA will continue generating interest among all its components to develop strategies for future work. We are optimistic that we will receive support, active input, and advice from our membership in addressing our targeted priorities and making a real difference in mental health.



COVID-19 大流行给世界各地的医疗保健系统带来了巨大的负担。不幸的是,精神卫生服务也受到严重影响。这在全球许多精神卫生服务的资源分配减少和规模缩小,甚至关闭服务中表现得很明显1-4

鉴于这一流行病,WPA 一直在审查其 2020-2023 年行动计划5 。该计划已经在进行中,执行委员会已举行多次会议以最终确定所需的任何变更。行动计划的成功实施在很大程度上取决于 WPA 结构所有组成部分的良好协调互动。不幸的是,由于封锁和其他与 COVID-19 相关的问题,我们秘书处的运作遇到了一些困难。但我们相信,协会一定能够克服这个关键时期的困难。

WPA 大会于 2020 年 10 月通过了协会精神病学道德准则6 。该守则由道德与审查常设委员会在世界各地精神病学协会的贡献下制定。该准则现已成为 WPA 关于精神病学伦理的官方声明。它并不意味着取代国家道德规范,它可以更好地适应每个国家的当地情况并融入当地的社会文化价值观。 WPA 要求其会员协会认可该准则的原则,并确认其准则不与协会的一般原则相冲突。

WPA 设立了 16 个工作组,以解决其 2020-2023 年行动计划的六个优先事项:能力建设;公共心理健康;儿童、青少年和青少年的心理健康;解决心理健康方面的共病;与其他专业组织和非政府组织的伙伴关系;继续并完成先前行动计划的工作。每个小组都制定了职权范围并确定了未来的项目7

在当前的优先事项中,公共心理健康继续受到特别关注。 WPA 旨在促进专业人士和公众加深对公共心理健康的了解,包括与患者和家庭组织的合作8, 9

我们的科学会议计划目前正在紧锣密鼓地进行中。 2020年12月,我们举办了第一届虚拟跨部门合作专题大会,主题为“心理创伤:全球身心健康负担”。会议的演示文稿现已在我们的网站 (www.wpanet.org) 上发布。 WPA 首届虚拟世界精神病学大会于 2021 年 3 月举行,提供了精彩的互动会议和世界级演讲嘉宾。这是一次引人入胜且充实的经历。我们最近还举行了由俄罗斯精神病学家协会组织的虚拟地区大会。第 21 届世界精神病学大会将于 2021 年 10 月 18 日至 21 日虚拟举行。

WPA 会员熟悉我们通常在世界大会期间开设的课程。我们的教育计划的一个关键部分现在作为学习管理系统和教育门户网站出现在我们的网站上10 。该门户于 2021 年初推出。它现在包含许多教育资源,包括我们的 COVID-19 资源库。为了庆祝教育门户网站的推出,我们的会员有资格免费注册来年举办的任何在线教育课程。

就像我们的面对面课程一样,会有活动、讨论和互动的机会,成功完成课程的人将获得参与证书。这个机会是对已经很出色的科学议程的宝贵补充,我们感谢为这个新计划贡献时间和专业知识的同事。在线教育计划的所有课程最终都将在 WPA 教育门户网站上提供。


WPA 不断帮助其成员对政策问题支持请求做出有效、快速的响应。最近对乌克兰危机的反应体现了协会与会员协会在这方面的合作11 。这为未来类似性质的工作以及具有不同背景的组织如何成功开展工作以帮助改善精神障碍患者的治疗和护理提供了一个模型。

WPA 的科学部门继续走在为协会工作带来多样性的最前沿。此外,各部门的成员还积极参与以 WPA 行动计划12-14目标为重点的教学、培训和研究项目。这项工作的一些例子包括早期职业精神病学家科的活动,收集早期职业精神病学家对其在临床实践中的作用的看法,并支持他们利用世界各地当前和未来的精神病学分类系统15, 16

正如我们所知,COVID-19 大流行已经改变了世界。 WPA 注意到,感染的持续全球传播除了影响精神卫生服务工作外,还增加了患精神障碍、现有精神障碍复发和精神健康状况不佳的风险。我们希望 WPA 将继续激发其所有组成部分的兴趣,以制定未来工作的战略。我们乐观地认为,我们将得到会员的支持、积极投入和建议,以解决我们的目标优先事项并为心理健康带来真正的改变。
