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ICD-11-related educational activities
World Psychiatry ( IF 73.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-09 , DOI: 10.1002/wps.20920
Luigi Giuliani 1

The chapter on mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders of the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), developed by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Use of the World Health Organization (WHO), has been formally adopted by the 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva on May 25, 2019.

The most significant innovations and changes in this chapter with respect to the ICD-10, and the most important differences from the DSM-5, have been presented in detail in a paper published in this journal1, while more specific differences concerning individual diagnostic groupings have been recently discussed elsewhere2, 3. The involvement of the WPA in the development of the chapter has been also described in previous reports4-6. Several issues debated in the process of the development of the chapter – including the role of a dimension­al approach as complementary to the categorical one, and the need for a further clinical characterization of the individual patient in addition to diagnosis in order to personalize management – have been addressed in this journal as well7-15.

Educational courses focusing on various sections of the ICD-11 chapter on mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders have been held in connection with several WPA meetings, including the 18th, 19th and 20th World Congresses of Psychiatry (Mexico City, Mexico, September 27-30, 2018; Lisbon, Portugal, August 21-24, 2019; Bangkok, Thailand, March 10-13, 2021), and the Regional Congresses on “Interdisciplinary Understanding of Co-morbidity in Psychiatry: from Science to Integrated Care” (St. Petersburg, Russia, May 16-18, 2021) and “Psychopathology in Periods of Transition” (Kyiv, Ukraine, July 7-9, 2021).

A more comprehensive online 20-hr training course has been organized by the Naples WHO Collaborating Centre on Research and Training in Mental Health and the European Psychiatric Association from 9 to 30 April, 2021. The course has been coordinated by G.M. Reed and M. Maj, and has covered all the main sections of the ICD-11 chapter on mental disorders. W. Gaebel, M. Cloitre, M. Maj, C.S. Kogan, P. Monteleone, M. Swales, J.B. Saunders and N.A. Fineberg composed the Faculty. The live course has been attended by 120 psychiatrists, selected from almost 500 applicants, representing 78 different countries. A further group of 250 psychiatrists have had access to the course on demand.

A training course with exclusive access to the members of the WHO Global Clinical Practice Network (https://gcp.network) has been recently set up by the WHO Collaborating Centre at Columbia University, in collaboration with the WHO Department of Mental Health and Substance Use. The course consists of 15 online training units, each focusing on a different disorder grouping and taking from one to one and a half hours. Each unit provides a description of the relevant diagnostic grouping and the main innovations with respect to the ICD-10. Knowledge check questions are provided to ensure comprehension. Participants have the opportunity to practice by applying diagnostic guidelines to clinical case examples. This training course is going to be available also in Spanish, and additional translations are planned.

A WHO International Advisory Group on Training and Implementation for ICD-11 Mental, Behavioural and Neurodevelopmental Disorders has been established to develop and evaluate educational, training and implementation processes related to the ICD-11 in various countries. WPA former officers who contributed to the development of the ICD-11 chapter on mental disorders, such as M. Maj and W. Gaebel, are members of this Advisory Group.



由世界卫生组织 (WHO) 精神卫生和物质使用司制定的第 11 版国际疾病分类 (ICD-11) 中关于精神、行为和神经发育障碍的章节已被世界卫生组织 (WHO) 正式采纳。 2019 年 5 月 25 日在日内瓦举行的第 72 届世界卫生大会。

本章中关于 ICD-10 的最重要的创新和变化,以及与 DSM-5 最重要的区别,已在本期刊1发表的一篇论文中详细介绍,而更具体的差异涉及个体诊断分组最近在别处讨论过2, 3。WPA 参与本章制定的情况也在之前的报告中有所描述4-6. 在本章发展过程中争论的几个问题——包括维度方法作为分类方法的补充的作用,以及为了个性化管理,除了诊断之外还需要对个体患者进行进一步的临床表征。7-15也已在本期刊中提及。

与多个 WPA 会议,包括第 18、19 和 20 届世界精神病学大会(墨西哥,墨西哥城,9 月 27-30 ,2018 年;葡萄牙里斯本,2019 年 8 月 21 日至 24 日;泰国曼谷,2021 年 3 月 10 日至 13 日),以及关于“精神病学共病的跨学科理解:从科学到综合护理”的区域大会(St。俄罗斯圣彼得堡,2021 年 5 月 16 日至 18 日)和“转型时期的精神病理学”(乌克兰基辅,2021 年 7 月 7 日至 9 日)。

2021 年 4 月 9 日至 30 日,那不勒斯世卫组织精神卫生研究和培训合作中心和欧洲精神病学协会组织了更全面的 20 小时在线培训课程。该课程由 GM Reed 和 M. Maj 协调,并涵盖了 ICD-11 关于精神障碍的章节的所有主要部分。W. Gaebel、M. Cloitre、M. Maj、CS Kogan、P. Monteleone、M. Swales、JB Saunders 和 NA Fineberg 组成了该学院。来自 78 个不同国家的近 500 名申请者中有 120 名精神科医生参加了现场课程。另有 250 名精神科医生可以按需访问该课程。

哥伦比亚大学世卫组织合作中心与世卫组织精神卫生和物质司合作,最近开设了一个专供世卫组织全球临床实践网络 (https://gcp.network) 成员访问的培训课程用。该课程包括 15 个在线培训单元,每个单元侧重于不同的障碍分组,时间从一小时到一个半小时不等。每个单元都提供了有关 ICD-10 的相关诊断分组和主要创新的描述。提供知识检查问题以确保理解。参与者有机会通过将诊断指南应用于临床案例来进行实践。此培训课程也将提供西班牙语版本,并计划提供其他翻译。

世界卫生组织 ICD-11 精神、行为和神经发育障碍培训和实施国际咨询小组已经成立,以制定和评估各国与 ICD-11 相关的教育、培训和实施过程。为 ICD-11 精神障碍章节的制定做出贡献的 WPA 前官员,如 M. Maj 和 W. Gaebel,是该咨询小组的成员。
