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New Energy Consumption Model for Rotary-Wing UAV Propulsion
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1109/lwc.2021.3090772
Hua Yan , Yunfei Chen , Shuang-Hua Yang

Accurate and convenient energy consumption models (ECMs) for rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are important for UAV communication designs. Existing models are complex and inconvenient to use. In this letter, a simple and easy-to-use model with closed-form expression as a function of the initial velocity, acceleration and time duration is derived. Using this model, the UAV flight control parameters, such as polling force and tilt angle, are analyzed in analytical form. Numerical results show the validity and reliability of the proposed model.



用于旋翼无人机 (UAV) 的准确且方便的能耗模型 (ECM) 对于无人机通信设计非常重要。现有模型复杂且使用不便。在这封信中,导出了一个简单易用的模型,该模型具有作为初始速度、加速度和持续时间的函数的封闭式表达式。使用该模型,以解析形式分析无人机飞行控制参数,例如轮询力和倾斜角。数值结果表明了所提出模型的有效性和可靠性。