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Efficient steady-state-entanglement generation in strongly driven coupled qubits
Physical Review A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-10 , DOI: 10.1103/physreva.104.032410
Ana Laura Gramajo , Daniel Domínguez , María José Sánchez

We report on a mechanism to optimize the generation of steady-state entanglement in a system of coupled qubits driven by microwave fields. Due to the interplay between Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana pumping involving three levels and a subsequent fast relaxation channel, which is activated by tuning the qubits-reservoir couplings, a maximally entangled state can be populated. This mechanism does not require the fine tuning of multiphoton resonances but depends on the sign of the qubit-qubit coupling. In particular, we find that by a proper design of the system parameters and the driving protocol, the two-qubit steady-state concurrence can attain values close to 1 in a wide range of driving amplitudes. Our results may be useful to gain further insight into entanglement control and manipulation in dissipative quantum systems exposed to strong driving.



我们报告了一种在微波场驱动的耦合量子位系统中优化稳态纠缠生成的机制。由于涉及三个级别的 Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana 泵浦和随后的快速弛豫通道之间的相互作用,该通道通过调整量子位-储层耦合而激活,可以填充最大纠缠状态。这种机制不需要对多光子共振进行微调,而是取决于量子位-量子位耦合的符号。特别是,我们发现通过适当设计系统参数和驱动协议,双量子位稳态并发可以在很宽的驱动幅度范围内达到接近 1 的值。